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Kriukelyte, E., Sochor, J. Kramers,A. (2024) Actualizing sustainable transport: The interplay between public policy instruments and shared mobility providers’ business models, European Transport Research Review

B Vaddadi, T Ringenson, M Sjöman, M Hesselgren, A Kramers (2022) Do they work? Exploring possible potentials of neighbourhood Telecommuting centres in supporting sustainable travel, Travel Behaviour and Society 29, 34-41

JCT Bieser, M Höjer, A Kramers, LM Hilty (2022) Toward a method for assessing the energy impacts of telecommuting based on time-use data , Travel Behaviour and Society 27, 107-116

Ringenson & Kramers (2021), "Mobility as a Service and the Avoid-Shift-Improve Approach" in "Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics, A Bogeyman or Saviour for the UN Sustainability Goals?", Volker Wohlgemuth et al. (Eds) Springer. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-88063-7

J. C. T. Bieser et al., (2021) "Impacts of telecommuting on time use and travel : A case study of a neighborhood telecommuting center in Stockholm," Travel Behaviour & Society, vol. 23, s. 157-165, 2021.

Vaddadi, Bhavana, Bieser, Jan, Pohl, Johanna, Kramers, Anna, (2020)
Towards a conceptual framework of direct and indirect environmental effects of co-working 2020Ingår i: ICT4S2020: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2020, s. 27-35

Sjöman M., Ringenson T., Kramers A.,(2020) Exploring everyday mobility in a living lab based on economic interventions. European transport research review 12 (1). (2020)

Resurseffektiv Transport och Mobilitet i Sverige - Vad behövs?  IVA Rapport (2019)

Kramers, A. Digitalisering - hur kan ny teknik bidra till omställningen, Kapitel i Global Utmanings handbok MOT EN HÅLLBAR FRAMTID, SÅ GENOMFÖR VI FN:S AGENDA 2030 OCH DE GLOBALA MÅLEN FÖR HÅLLBAR UTVECKLING. (2018)

Ringenson, T. Arnfalk, P., Kramers, A. Sopjani, L., "Indicators for Promising Accessibility and Mobility Services," Sustainability : Science, Practice, & Policy, vol. 10, no. 8, 2018.

Kramers A., Ringensson, T, Sopjani L, Arnfalk P,  (2018)
AaaS and MaaS for reduced environmental impact of transport: Indicators for identifying promising digital service innovations. EPiC Series in Computing Volume 52, 2018, Pages 137–152 ICT4S2018. 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability

Ringenson T. Höjer, M, Kramers, A., Viggedal, A.."Digitalization and environmental aims in municipalities," Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 4, 2018.

Kramers A., (2016) Smarta Hållbara städer, en lösning för att nå klimatmål. Text till Digitaliseringskommissionen.

Kramers A., (2016) Mobilitet med minskad klimatpåverkan. Rapport till Miljömålsberedningen och MISTRA.

Ericsson E, Pargman, P, Björklund A, Kramers A, Edvardsson Björnberg K, (2016) Sustainable development for ICT engineering students: What's in it for me? Proceedings of the 8th Conference in Engineering Education for Sustainable Development in Bruges, Belgium.

Kramers A, Wangel J, Höjer M (2016) Governing the Smart Sustainable City: The case of Royal Seaport In Grosso P, Lago P, Osseyran A (Eds.) Proceedings of the ICT for Sustainability 2016 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ISBN: 978-94-6252-224-4

Kramers A, Nyberg, M, Höjer, M, Söderholm M (2015) Work hubs, location considerations and opportunities for reduced travel.  Vivian Kvist Johannsen, Stefan Jensen, Volker Wohlgemuth, Chris Preist, Elina Eriksson (EDS) Proceedings of EnviroInfo & ICT4S Copenhagen 2015, Conference Proceedings (Part 1)

Kramers A, Wangel J, Höjer M (2014) Planning for smart sustainable cities: Decisions in the planning process and actor networks, In Höjer M, Lago P, Wangel J (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2014 conference ICT for Sustainability, Stockholm August 24-27, Atlantis Press ISBN (on-line): 978-94-62520-22-6

Kramers A, Höjer M, Lövehagen N, Wangel J, (2014) Smart sustainable cities: Exploring ICT solutions for reduced energy use in cities, Environmental Modelling and Software,

Kramers A, (2014) Designing next generation multimodal traveler information systems to support sustainability-oriented decisions, Environmental Modelling and Software,

Kramers A (2014) Smart Cities and Climate Targets; Reducing cities' energy use with ICT and travel information. TRITA-fms-PhD 2014:01 KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Kramers A, Wangel J, Johansson, S, Höjer M, Finnveden G, Brandt N, (2013) Towards a comprehensive system of methodological considerations for cities' climate targets, Energy Policy 62, 1276-1287.

Kramers, A., Höjer,M., Lövehagen, N., Wangel, N. (2013) ICT for Sustainable Cities: How ICT can support an environmentally sustainable development in cities. I: Hilty, L.M., Aebischer, B., Andersson, G., Lohmann W (Red). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainability, ETH Zurich, February 14-16, 2013, ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3929/ethz-a-007337628.

Kramers, A., (2013) ICT applications to lower energy usage in the already built environment. I: Håkansson, A., Höjer, M., Howlett, R.J., Lain, L.C. (Red) Sustainability in Energy and Buildings - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB´12), Berlin Heidelberg: Springer

Kramers, A, Söderholm M (2013), Flexibla arbetsplatsers betydelse för hållbar utveckling i storstadsregioner. TRITA-SUS-2013:1 (2013), KTH, Stockholm

Kramers A (2012) Contribution of ICT to Climate targets of Cities. Exploring the potential of Information and Communication Technologies in reducing emissions and energy use from buildings and travel. TRITA-SoM 2012-12 KTH Royal Institute of Technology 

Kramers, A., (2012) Advanced multimodal traveller information system for reduced energy and GHG emissions. Presented at RTIC 2012, London

Kramers, A. Svane Ö. (2011)  ICT applications for energy efficiency in buildings. TRITA-SUS 2011:3 KTH, Stockholm

Kramers, A. Gennvi Gustavsson, M. (2009). How telecom could save the planet. Ericsson Business Review feb 2009

Kramers, A. Malmodin, J. Gennvi Gustavsson M. (2008). Can Telecom save the planet? Ericsson Business Review jun 2008.



