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Hypotension Prediction

This project is a collaboration between myself, the division of Perioperative medicine and intensive care (PMI) at Karolinska University Hospital and Getinge. The aim is to use machine learning (ML) techniques to predict the onset of hypotension during surgery.

Video Snapshot with two presenters

Approximately 800,000 patients are operated in Sweden each year. According to large international cohort studies, the risk for postoperative complications is high, which affects both short and long-term outcomes. Intraoperative low blood pressure (hypotension) has been associated with adverse outcomes, mainly renal and myocardial injury and even death. Hypotension is common during large surgery. By identifying and treating hypotensive periods early, preferably even before onset, the amount of hypotension and thus the risk of damage to the heart muscle and kidney are reduced. However, it is very difficult today to predict hypotension a head of time.

Data-driven healthcare, in the form of continuous monitoring in the perioperative period with both invasive and non-invasive sensors, advanced signal processing, and machine learning, has proven to be able to predict hypotension. This project is focusing on predicting near-term onset of hypotension using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques based on deep learning on waveform data of physiological signals.


This work is partly funded by the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems and the Swedish Engergy Agency.

Profile picture of Martin Jakobsson