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Markus Wolff

Profile picture of Markus Wolff



Lindstedtvägen 25

About me

I am currenly a postdoctoral researcher and a member of the Differential Geometry and General Relativity group here at KTH. I obtained my PhD at the University of Tübingen in 2023.

In my reseach, I mainly focus on the interplay between Geometric Analysis and General Relativity, and I am particularly interested in the application of geometric flows in this context. In my PhD project and in ongoing projects I consider such flows along null hypersurfaces, which model the collective paths of photons that radiate off of a given light source. From a physical perspective such null hyersurfaces are interesting as information from far away stars and galaxies reaches us as radiation traveling along these objects.
Currently, I am working on a notion of mean curvature flow along null hypersurfaces and other related flows. This mean curvature flow was first studied by Roesch and Scheuer in a general context, and independently by myself in the case of the Minkowski lightcone, where the flow turns out to be equivalent to the 2d-Ricci flow for surfaces of genus 0.


Calculus in Several Variable (SF1686), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Markus Wolff


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