Kumail Marnate
Doctoral student
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolanhttps://www.kth.se/profile/marnate/
About me
Kumail Marnate is a doctoral student and researcher at Energy Processes as a part of the project PUSH (Production, Use & Storage of Hydrogen). The project is funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) as a collaboration between KTH, Linköping Universistet, Chalmers, Umeå Universitet and RISE.
His research focuses on storage of hydrogen in liquid chemical carriers (methanol, ammonia, and LOHC), their potential applications in the Swedish Industry along with their techno-economic comparison with other modes of storing hydrogen.
Carbon dioxide neutral energy and transport system (CK2010), teacher | Course web
Industrial Energy Processes (KE2010), assistant | Course web