Conference and workshop (2005-2019)
1. Najafi Alamdari. M, M. Bagherbandi, Y. Hatam, M. Eshagh, M. Goli (2005), “Precise Determination of the Geoid in Iran using the Stokes-Helmert Scheme”, European Geosciences’ Union, Geophysical conference, Vienna, Austria.
2. Bagherbandi M. and Sjöberg L. (2010), Determination of Crustal Thickness by Vening Meinesz-Moritz Hypothesis and Its Geodetic Applications, Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG) General Assembly September 27-30, 2010, Hønefoss, Norway.
3. Training School on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Modeling organised in Gävle, Sweden, 13-17 June 2011.
4. Local organizer of the international geoid schools at Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, in September 2010 and at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, from 27 February to 2 March 2012. Cooperation between KTH and Yildiz and UTM Universities.
5. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M, Sirguey P (2011) Oceanic lithosphere density structure and its age. The Alpine Fault, earthquakes and mountain building: A symposium honouring the careers of Professors Alan Cooper and Richard Norris, 23- 24 November, 2011, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. (poster presentation)
6. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M (2011) Global model of crust-mantle interface parameters derived from seismic and isostatic models. The Alpine Fault, earthquakes and mountain building: A symposium honouring the careers of Professors Alan Cooper and Richard Norris, 23- 24 November, 2011, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. (poster presentation).
7. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M, Sirguey P, Novák P, (2012) Evidence of the ocean floor spreading in gravity data. Session G4.1 Gravity field and Geoid Modeling - Gravity field research, data acquisition, processing and interpretation, April 22-27, 2012, Vienna, Austria (Abstract accepted , poster presentation).
8. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M, Novák P, (2012) Crust-mantle density contrast derived globally using gravity and seismic models. Session G4.1 Gravity field and Geoid Modeling - Gravity field research, data acquisition, processing and interpretation, April 22-27, 2012, Vienna, Austria (Abstract accepted , poster presentation).
9. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M, Hwang Ch (2012) Gravimetric methods for modeling the global upper mantle lateral density structures. Session SE101: Solid Earth Sciences - General Session for Solid Earth Sciences, AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, August 13 - 17 , 2012, Singapore (Abstract accepted, poster presentation)
10. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M, Hwang Ch (2012) Oceanic crust density changes with age. Session SE101: Solid Earth Sciences - General Session for Solid Earth Sciences, AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, August 13 – 17, 2012, Singapore (Abstract accepted , poster presentation).
11. Bagherbandi M. and Sjöberg L. (2012). Determination of Moho Depth and Density Contrast from Gravimetric-Isostatic and CRUST2.0 Data. Abstract to: International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems GGHS 2012 October 9-12, 2012
Venice, Italy.
12. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M, Sjöberg LE, Novák P (2012). Global crustal thickness based on solving the Vening-Meinesz Moritz inverse problem of isostasy for isostatic gravity disturbances. Geology research seminar series, Department of Geology, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, 3 October, 2012 (oral presentation).
13. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M, Sjöberg LE, Novák P(2013). Isostatic gravity disturbances in the definition of the Vening-Meinesz Moritz inverse problem of isostasy. Session G4.1: Gravity field research - data acquisition - processing and – interpretation, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2010, May 7-12, 2013, Vienna, Austria (poster presentation).
14. Bagherbandi M, Tenzer R, Sjöberg LE, Novák P (2013). Global Moho model derived based on the Vening-Meinesz Moritz isostatic model and the non-isostatic gravity correction. Session G4.1: Gravity field research - data acquisition - processing and – interpretation, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2010, May 7-12, 2013, Vienna, Austria (poster presentation).
15. Sjöberg L.E., Bagherbandi M. and Tenzer R., (2013). Gravity inversion by no-topography and new isostatic gravity anomalies. IAG Scientific Assembly 2013 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the IAG in co-operation with the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, September 1–6, 2013.
16. Bagherbandi M, Tenzer R(2013). Geoid-to-quasigeoid separation in the Tibet Plateau. The 4thInternational workshop on multi-observations and interpretations of Tibet, Xinjiang and Siberia (TibXS), July 28 - August 1, 2013, Yining, Xinjiang, China (oral presentation).
17. Bagherbandi M, Tenzer R, Sjöberg LE(2013) Moho depth uncertainties in the Vening-Meinesz Moritz inverse problem of isostasy. The 4thInternational workshop on multi-observations and interpretations of Tibet, Xinjiang and Siberia (TibXS), July 28 - August 1, 2013, Yining, Xinjiang, China (oral presentation).
18. Tenzer R, Bagherbandi M, Hwang Ch, Chang ETY (2013)Moho interface modeling beneath Himalayas, Tibet and central Siberia based on the Vening Meinesz-Moritz inverse model of isostasy. The 4thInternational workshop on multi-observations and interpretations of Tibet, Xinjiang and Siberia (TibXS), July 28 - August 1, 2013, Yining, Xinjiang, China (poster presentation).
19. Bagherbandi M. (2013). International Workshop: The Earth's structure and dynamics from geodetic and geophysical observations School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China 6th December, 2013.
20. Bagherbandi M., Robert Tenzer, Lars E. Sjöberg, Majid Abrehdary (2014). A New Fennoscandian Crustal Thickness Model based on CRUST1.0 and Gravimetric Isostatic Approach. Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG) General Assembly 2014, 1-4 September Göteborg, Chalmers University Conference centre, Sweden (Sessions on geoid modelling, height systems and geodynamics).
21. TenzerR, Chen W, Tsoulis D, Bagherbandi M, Sjöberg LE, Novák P, Jin S (2014) Spectral and spatial characteristics of the refined CRUST1.0 gravity field. International Gravity Field Service General Assembly (IGFS2014), 1-6 July, 2014, Shanghai, China (oral presentation).
22. Bagherbandi M, Sjöberg L, Abrehdary M, Tenzer R (2014) Effect of the rock equivalent topography on the Moho geometry. International Gravity Field Service General Assembly (IGFS2014), 1-6 July, 2014, Shanghai, China (poster presentation).
23. Archana Jarial, M. Bagherbandi, N. Kumar, A.P. Singh (2014). Crustal thickness modeling based on the VMM isostatic model and non-isostatic gravity correction of Singhbhum Craton. 51st Convention of Indian Geophysical Union, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra - 136119, Haryana, India, 19-21 November 2014, 2014.
24. Mohammad Bagherbandi, Lars E. Sjöberg (2015). Viscosity of mantle inferred from land uplift rate and mantle gravity field in Fennoscandia. G02 Static Gravity Field Models and Observations. 26th IUGG 2015 General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic. June 22-July 2, 2015. (poster presentation).
25. Majid Abrehdary, Lars E. Sjöberg and Mohammad Bagherbandi (2015). Modelling Moho depth in ocean areas based on satellite altimetry using Vening Meinez-Moritz method. G02 Static Gravity Field Models and Observations. 26th IUGG 2015 General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic. June 22-July 2, 2015. (poster presentation).
26. Pavel Novak, Robert Tenzer, Mohammad Bagherbandi, Wenjin Chen and Lars Sjöberg (2016). Isostatic global gravity fields for geodetic and geophysical applications. Session 2: Global gravity field modelling. GGHS2016. 1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016. September 19-23, 2016 Thessaloniki, Greece.
27. Shafiei Joud S.M., Bagherbandi M and Lars Sjöberg (2016). A NEW INFERENCE OF THE MANTLE VISCOSITY FROM ISOLATING THE GRAVITY FIELD SIGNAL RELATED TO THE PRESENT LAND UPLIFT IN FENNOSCANDIA Session 6: Altimetry, Mass transport and Climate-relevant processes. GGHS2016. 1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016. September 19-23, 2016 Thessaloniki, Greece.
28. Nilfouroushan F., Bagherbandi M., Gido A.A. Nureldin (2017). Ground Subsidence And Groundwater Depletion In Iran: Integrated approach Using InSAR and Satellite Gravimetry. Fringe 2017, the 10th International Workshop on Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry. Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, from 05 through 09 June 2017.
29. Bagherbandi Mohammad, Hadi Amin , Gido Nureldin, Sjöberg Lars (2017). A novel approach to study ice mass change using satellite data in Greenland and Antarctica. Joint Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI), Kobe, Japan, 30 July-4 August 2017.
30. Shafiei Joud S.M., Lars Sjöberg and Bagherbandi M (2017). Preliminary results of a combined land uplift model in Fennoscandia using gravimetric and geometric data. Glacial Isostatic Adjustment workshop Reykjavik, Iceland, September 5-7, 2017.
31. Augmented Reality workshop held at University of Gävle, 28 September: “Without Spatial Data - No Enhanced Reality!”. See more:
32. Tenzer, Robert; Foroughi, Ismael; Sjoberg, Lars; Bagherbandi, Mohammad; Hirt, Christian; Martin Pitonak, Martin. (2018). Theoretical and practical aspects of defining the heights for planets and moons (ORAL presentation), X Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy on 18-22 June 2018.
33. Bagherbandi, Mohammad; Gido, Nureldin A. A.; Sjöberg, Lars E.; Tenzer, Robert, (2018). Studying permafrost by integration of satellite and in situ data in Arctic region. X Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy on 18-22 June 2018.
34. Bagherbandi, Mohammad; Sjöberg, Lars E. (2018). Amin, Hadi
Towards a world vertical datum defined by the geoid potential and Earth’s Ellipsoidal parameters (ORAL presentation), X Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy on 18-22 June 2018.
35. Shafiei Joud, Mehdi S.; Bagherbandi, Mohammad; Sjöberg, Lars E. (2018), A satellite-based gravimetric approach to GIA modelling, X Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy on 18-22 June 2018.
36. Nureldin A. A. Gido, Mohammad Bagherbandi Lars E. Sjöberg, Robert Tenzer, (2018). Studying permafrost by integration of satellite and in situ data in Arctic region. Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG), General Assembly, Helsinki 3-6 September 2018 (Geodesy in a Dynamic World), Celebrating the 100 year anniversary of FGI (Oral presentation).
37. M. Bagherbandi, L. Sjöberg, H. Amin, (2018). An alternative method to determine a global vertical datum defined by the geoid potential and Earth’s Ellipsoidal parameters. Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG), General Assembly, Helsinki 3-6 September 2018 (Geodesy in a Dynamic World), Celebrating the 100 year anniversary of FGI (Oral presentation).
38. Hadi Amin, Mohammad Bagherbandi, Lars E. Sjöberg, (2018). Global Mean Sea Level Budget Closure over January 2005 to December 2014. Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG), General Assembly, Helsinki 3-6 September 2018 (Geodesy in a Dynamic World), Celebrating the 100 year anniversary of FGI (Oral presentation).