Monalisa Chakraborty
About me
Currently, I am employeed as a PostDoctoral researcher at the Division of Applied Electrochemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
My current research focus is on exploring the cost-effective Lignin-based organic electrolyte material to be used in the organic aqueous redox flow battrey (OARFB).
My Doctoral research (graduated from Autonomous University of Barcelona on October 2022) was about low-cost, high energy density RFB material for next generation solar energy storage application (solar redox flow battery), which I conducted in Energy storage and harvesting group, IREC, Barcelona, Spain under Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Doctoral training programme (DOC-FAM; H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2016).
Since my Doctoral study (2018), I started to work in RFBs. So far, my broad expertise is on fundamental and applied characterisation of electrolyte materials for boosting the RFB performance.