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Muhammad Umar B Niazi

Profilbild av Muhammad Umar B Niazi



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Om mig

I am a postdoc at the Division of Decision and Control Systems, EECS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, where I have the privilege to work with Karl H. Johansson. Currently, I am on my Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at MIT, US, where I am supervised by Munther Dahleh.

I earned my Ph.D. in automatic control engineering from the Grenoble INP, Université Grenoble Alpes (France), in 2021, where I was affiliated with INRIA Grenoble and GIPSA-Lab as a graduate research assistant. I also had the opportunity to visit the Jan C. Willems Center for Systems and Control at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, in October 2018. Before that, I received my bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical and electronics engineering from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (Pakistan) and Bilkent University (Turkey).

My research has primarily focused on the estimation and control of networked systems. Lately, I've been delving into the challenges of information and mechanism design for complex sociotechnical systems, exploring how these principles can be applied in a variety of fields, such as urban mobility and epidemic outbreaks. My current research focuses on the following areas:

  • Incentive-based control of sociotechnical systems

    • Dynamic incentive design

    • Online learning in Stackelberg games

    • Applications: Eco-driving and smart mobility

  • Secure monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems

    • Secure state estimation

    • Anomaly detection and identification

    • Applications: Transportation networks and epidemic processes