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Evelyn Otero Sola

Profile picture of Evelyn Otero Sola

Associate professor




Researcher ID

About me

My research interests lie in the area of sustainable aviation. They are directly aligned with my position as Vice-Director of the Centre for Sustainable Aviation (CSA) at KTH and as a member of the Executive Board of the Environmentally Compatible Air Transport System (ECATS) International Association.

In particular, my research area focuses on the operational measures within air traffic management (ATM), such as analyzing and optimizing aircraft trajectories to minimize gas emissions. I am especially interested in the interdependencies between CO2 and non-CO2 emissions but also noise (ProjectsTREVOL, TRACE, CIDER, ODESTA-PM, REFMAP, KLIMAFLY) considering as well sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) (Project: REFMAP) and hydrogen (Project: KLIMAFLY). Moreover, some projects include artificial intelligence (AI) (Projects: REFMAP, ECONTRAIL) and drones (Projects: REFMAPImAFUSA).

My other research work is related to transportation mode comparison with respect to air travel in terms of sustainability from a holistic perspective considering the environmental, economic, and social aspects (paperwebinar presentation (EN)).

Finally, my research serves as an educational platform through my new master’s level course in Aircraft Performance and Air Traffic Management (SD2830) with a strong focus on sustainability. This new discipline complements the traditional courses in aeronautics.


Advanced Topics in Aeronautics (SD2620), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Aircraft Performance and Air Traffic Management (SD2830), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Aeronautics, Second Cycle (SD281X), examiner | Course web

Project in Aerospace Engineering (SD2930), examiner | Course web

Project in Aerospace Engineering (SD2935), examiner | Course web

Project in Aerospace Engineering (SD2820), examiner | Course web

Profile picture of Evelyn Otero Sola