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Susanna Pehrson

Profile picture of Susanna Pehrson

Team Manager



About me

I'm Head of the unit Strategic Initiative and Collaboration within the department Research Support Office.

Strategic initiatives' responsibilities include research centers, KTH's research platforms, strategic research areas (SRAs), research infrastructures, strategic partnerships with companies and organisations as well as collaboration in a wider perspective, education för leaders of strategic initiatives and project management within the framework of EIT KICs.

Research Centers: operational support to KTH leadership and researchers regarding the development of research centers, both initiated by KTH/partners and based on funding bodies' calls. 

Research infrastructures: operational support to the Deputy President in KTH's development work regarding KTH's research infrastructures. Includes internal calls and follow-up. Cohesive at KTH for all stages of the Swedish Research Counsil's prioritization process for research infrastructure (needs inventory, call for proposals, applications granted). National and international research infrastructures.

KTH research platforms: Support to the Vice-Rector for research related to coordination of KTH:s six research platforms (Energy, Industrial transformation, Digitalisation, Transport, Life Science Technology, Materials).

Strategic partnerships: processes connected to KTH Strategic Partnerships