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Publications by Per Lundqvist

Peer reviewed


Matsuura, M., Larsson, J., Lundqvist, P., Alp, D., Burrows, D. & et al., (2024). Deep JWST/NIRCam imaging of Supernova 1987A. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532(4), 3625-3642.
Bäcklund, K., Lundqvist, P. & Molinari, M. (2024). Showcasing a Digital Twin for Higher Educational Buildings : Developing the Concept Towards Human Centricity. Frontiers in Built Environment, 10.
Molinari, M., Anund Vogel, J., Rolando, D. & Lundqvist, P. (2023). Using living labs to tackle innovation bottlenecks: the KTH Live-In Lab case study. Applied Energy, 338, 120877-120877.
Malakhatka, E., Lundqvist, P., Shafqat, O. & De Bellefon, A. (2022). Identification of everyday food-related activities with potential for direct and indirect energy savings : KTH Live–in–Lab explorative case study. Energy Policy, 163, 112792-112792.
Shahrooz, M., Lundqvist, P. & Neksa, P. (2022). Performance of binary zeotropic mixtures in organic Rankine cycles (ORCs). Energy Conversion and Management, 266, 115783.
Ahl, A., Eklund, J., Lundqvist, P. & Yarime, M. (2018). Balancing formal and informal success factors perceived by supply chain stakeholders : A study of woody biomass energy systems in Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175, 50-59.
Poppi, S., Sommerfeldt, N., Bales, C., Madani, H. & Lundqvist, P. (2018). Techno-economic review of solar heat pump systems for residential heating applications. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 81, 22-32.
Anund Vogel, J., Lind, H. & Lundqvist, P. (2016). Who is Governing the Commons : Studying Swedish Housing Cooperatives. Housing, Theory and Society, 33(4), 424-444.
Anund Vogel, J., Lundqvist, P., Arias, J. & Blomkvist, P. (2015). Problem areas related to energy efficiency implementation in Swedish multifaily buildings. Energy Efficiency.
Öhman, H. & Lundqvist, P. (2013). Comparison and analysis of performance using Low Temperature Power Cycles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 52(1), 160-169.
Öhman, H. & Lundqvist, P. (2013). Experimental investigation of a Lysholm Turbine operating with superheated, saturated and 2-phase inlet conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 50(1), 1211-1218.
Öhman, H. & Lundqvist, P. (2012). Theory and method for analysis of low temperature driven power cycles. Applied Thermal Engineering(37), 44-50.
Madani Larijani, H., Claesson, J. & Lundquist, P. G. (2011). Capacity control in ground source heat pump systems Part I : modeling and simulation. International journal of refrigeration, 34(6), 1338-1347.
Madani, H., Claesson, J. & Lundquist, P. (2011). Capacity control in ground source heat pump systems part II : Comparative analysis between on/off controlled and variable capacity systems. International journal of refrigeration, 34(8), 1934-1942.
Jonsson, D. K., Gustafsson, S., Wangel, J., Höjer, M., Lundqvist, P. G. & Svane, Ö. (2011). Energy at your service : highlighting energy usage systems in the context of energy efficiency analysis. Energy Efficiency, 4(3), 355-369.
Marimón, M. A., Arias, J., Lundqvist, P. G., Bruno, J. C. & Coronas, A. (2011). Integration of trigeneration in an indirect cascade refrigeration system in supermarkets. Energy and Buildings, 43(6), 1427-1434.
Lundqvist, P. (2010). Efficient refrigeration technologies : a prerequiste for sustainable development. Industria & Formazione(7), 18-21.
Grozdek, M., Khodabandeh, R. & Lundqvist, P. (2009). Experimental investigation of ice slurry flow pressure drop in horizontal tubes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 33(2), 357-370.
Grozdek, M., Khodabandeh, R., Lundqvist, P., Palm, B. & Melinder, Å. (2009). Experimental investigation of ice slurry heat transfer in horizontal tube. International journal of refrigeration, 32(6), 1310-1322.
Fernando, W. P. D., Palm, B., Ameel, T., Lundqvist, P. & Granryd, E. (2008). A Minichannel Aluminium Tube Heat Exchanger - Part 1 : Evaluation of Single-Phase Heat Transfer Coefficients by the Wilson Plot Method. International journal of refrigeration, 31(4), 669-680.
Fernando, W. P. D., Palm, B., Ameel, T., Lundqvist, P. & Granryd, E. (2008). A minichannel aluminium tube heat exchanger - Part II : Evaporator Performance with Propane. International journal of refrigeration, 31(4), 681-695.
Fernando, W. P. D., Palm, B., Ameel, T., Lundqvist, P. & Granryd, E. (2008). A minichannel aluminium tube heat exchanger - Part III : Condenser Performance with Propane. International journal of refrigeration, 31(4), 696-708.
Pridasawas, W. & Lundqvisti, P. (2007). A year-round dynamic simulation of a solar-driven ejector refrigeration system with iso-butane as a refrigerant. International journal of refrigeration, 30(5), 840-850.
Hägg, C., Arias, J. & Lundqvist, P. (2007). Comparaison entre fluide secondaire monophasique et coulis de glace en supermarché. Revue générale du froid, 97(1073), 47-54.
Fernando, W. P. D., Palm, B., Lundqvist, P. & Granryd, E. (2007). Performance of a single-family heat pump at different working conditions using small quantity of propane as refrigerant. Experimental heat transfer, 20(1), 57-71.
Chen, Y., Lundqvist, P. G., Johansson, A. & Platell, P. (2006). A comparative study of the carbon dioxide transcritical power cycle compared with an organic rankine cycle with R123 as working fluid in waste heat recovery. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(17-18), 2142-2147.
Arias, J. & Lundqvist, P. (2006). Choisir entre récupération de chaleur ou pression de condesation flottante en froid commercial. Revue J. du Froid(1066), 47-54.
Arias, J. M. & Lundqvist, P. G. (2006). Heat recovery and floating condensing in supermarkets. Energy and Buildings, 38(2), 73-81.
Sakellari, D., Forsén, M. & Lundqvist, P. G. (2006). Investigating Control Strategies for a Domestic Low-Temperature Heat Pump Heating System. International journal of refrigeration, 29(4), 547-555.
Palm, B. E., Andersson, K., Lundqvist, P. & Samoteeva, O. (2005). Designing a Heat Pump for Minimum Charge. IEA HPC newsletter, 232, 17-1§.
Sakellari, D. & Lundqvist, P. G. (2005). Modelling and Simulation Results for a Domestic Exhaust-Air Heat Pump Heating System. International journal of refrigeration, 28(7), 1048-1056.
Arias, J. M. & Lundqvist, P. G. (2005). Modelling and experimental validation of advanced refrigeration systems in supermarkets. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part E, journal of process mechanical engineering, 219(E2), 149-156.
Primal, F. & Lundqvist, P. G. (2005). Refrigeration systems with minimized refrigerant charge : system design and performance. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part E, journal of process mechanical engineering, 219(E2), 127-137.
Chen, Y., Lundqvist, P. G. & Platell, P. (2005). Theoretical research of carbon dioxide power cycle application in automobile industry to reduce vehicle's fuel consumption. Applied Thermal Engineering, 25(14-15), 2041-2053.
Pridasawas, W. & Lundqvist, P. G. (2004). An exergy analysis of a solar-driven ejector refrigeration system. Solar Energy, 76(4), 369-379.
Sakellari, D. & Lundqvist, P. G. (2004). Energy Analysis of a Low-Temperature Heat Pump Heating System in a Single-Family House. International Journal of Energy Research, 28(1), 1-12.
Fernando, W. P. D., Palm, B., Lundqvist, P. & Granryd, E. (2004). Propane Heat Pump with Low Refrigerant Charge : Design and Laboratory Tests. International journal of refrigeration, 27(7), 761-773.
Sakellari, D. & Lundqvist, P. G. (2001). Towards Energy-Use Optimisation of a Domestic Heating System based on a Heat Pump. Strojniski vestnik, 47(8), 506-511.

Conference papers

Bäcklund, K., Molinari, M., Lundqvist, P., Karlsson, P. (2022). Showcasing the First Steps Towards a Digital Twin for Campus Environments. In 2022 BuildSim Nordic..
Shahrooz, M., Lundqvist, P., Nekså, P. (2020). Effect of waste heat utilization on the performance of low temperature rankine cycle. In Refrigeration Science and Technology. (pp. 455-462). International Institute of Refrigeration.
Malakhatka, E., Lundqvist, P. (2019). End-user activities context information management framework for sustainable building operation. In CISBAT 2019 | Climate Resilient Cities – Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era4–6 September 2019, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland. Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP).
Shahrooz, M., Lundqvist, P., Nekså, P. (2018). Natural refrigerants for low temperature power cycles. In Refrigeration Science and Technology. (pp. 1373-1380). International Institute of Refrigeration.
Stoltz, D., Arrias, J., Lundqvist, P. (2015). Categorization framework for systems innovation in EcoCities. In CLEAN, EFFICIENT AND AFFORDABLE ENERGY FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. (pp. 2466-2471).
Vogel, J. A., Lundqvist, P., Arias, J. (2015). Categorizing barriers to energy efficiency in buildings. In CLEAN, EFFICIENT AND AFFORDABLE ENERGY FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. (pp. 2839-2845).
Su, C., Shafqat, O., Lundqvist, P. (2015). Ice-storage device application in commercial buildings of Wuxi Sino-Swedish Eco-City. In Refrigeration Science and Technology. (pp. 5028-5035). International Institute of Refrigeration.
Öhman, H., Lundqvist, P. (2015). On high level evaluation and comparison of ORC power generators. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems..
Öhman, H., Lundqvist, P. (2015). Screw expanders in ORC applications, review and a new perspective. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems..
Zampollo, M., Madani, H., Lundqvist, P. (2015). The role of heat pumps in smart grids. In Refrigeration Science and Technology. (pp. 3905-3913). International Institute of Refrigeration.
Lundqvist, P. (2015). The role of heat pumps in the smart energy systems. In Refrigeration Science and Technology. (pp. 90-94). International Institute of Refrigeration.
Stoltz, D., Shafqat, O., Arias, J., Lundqvist, P. (2014). On holistic planning in ecocity development : Today and in the past. In Energy Procedia: International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2014. (pp. 2192-2195). Elsevier.
Shafqat, O., Stoltz, D., Lundqvist, P., Arias, J. (2014). Participatory simulation for energy target identification in EcoCities. Presented at 6th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2014, 30 May 2014 through 2 June 2014. (pp. 2079-2082).
Svane, Ö., Lundqvist, P., Wangel, J., Jonsson, R. D., Kliatsko, A. (2012). Negotiated outcomes - Actor-oriented modelling of energy efficiency in a Stockholm city district renewal. In Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society. (pp. 1768-1775).
Chen, Y., Lundqvist, P. (2012). The Co2 Transcritical Power Cycle For Low Grade Heat Recovery-Discussion On Temperature Profiles In System Heat Exchangers. In Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference- 2011 Vol 1. (pp. 385-392). ASME Press.
Kliatsko, A., Lundqvist, P., Arias, J. (2011). A Systematic approach to modelling of energy usage by Human Activity System (HAS) and Energy Usage Systems (EUS). Presented at Smart Energy Strategies conference, Zurich, Switzerland, September 21-23, 2011.
Chen, J., Palm, B., Lundqvist, P. (2011). A new ejector refrigeration system with zeotropic mixtures. In 23RD IIR INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF REFRIGERATION. (pp. 2043-2050).
Madani, H., Lundqvist, P. (2011). Evaluation of the annual performance of Ground Source Heat Pump systems : A comparison between single speed and variable speed systems. In 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration. (pp. 3741-3748). International Institute of Refrigeration.
Lundqvist, P. (2011). System Thinking For Efficient Heat Pumps : Experiences and perspectives From Sweden. In Proc. from the Annual Meeting of the Croatian Science and Engineering academy. Academic Conferences Publishing.
Madani, H., Ahmadi, N., Claesson, J., Lundqvist, P. (2010). Experimental Analysis of a Variable Capacity Heat Pump System Focusing on the Compressor and Inverter Loss Behavior. In Proceeding International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference. Academic Conferences Publishing.
Grozdek, M., Curko, T., Khodabandeh, R., Lundqvist, P., Soldo, V. (2010). Performance comparison of a static ice-bank and dynamic ice slurry cool thermal energy storage systems. In 9th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids (GL2010) Paris, France: International Institute of Refrigeration, 2010..
Madani, H., Acuña, J., Claesson, J., Lundqvist, P. (2010). The Ground Source Heat Pump : A System Analysis With a Particular Focus on The U-Pipe Borehole Heat Exchanger. In 2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, Volume 4. (pp. 395-402).
Lundqvist, P. (2009). Advances In Heat Pump Technology And Market Development In Sweden. In Proc. 39th congress on heating, refrigerating and air conditioning. Academic Conferences Publishing.
Svane, Ö., Gustafsson, S., Wangel, J., Jonsson, D., Höjer, M., Lundqvist, P., Palm, J., Weingaertner, C. (2009). Situations of Opportunity in City Transformation : – enriching evaluative case study methodology with scenarios and backcasting, exploring the sustainable development of three Stockholm city districts. In Proceedings of the ENHR Conference 2009, Prague..
Chen, Y., Lundqvist, P., Palm, B. (2008). A Nobel Gas-Water Heat Exchanger with Minichannels. Presented at 2008 ASME Fluids Engineering Conference. Jackonsville, Florida, USA. August 10-14, 2008.
Lundqvist, P. (2008). Recent And Historical Advances In Heat Pump Technology And Market In Sweden. Presented at 9th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference. Zürich, Switzerland. 20 - 22 May, 2008.
Lundqvist, P. (2008). The Heat Pump In The Refurbishment Of Existing Buildings Perspectives From Sweden. In Proc. Joint REHVA/AICARR Workshop on the Refurbishment of Existing Buildings. Milan, Itly: Academic Conferences Publishing.
Madani, H., Claesson, J., Lundqvist, P. (2008). Variable capacity heat pump systems, modeling and simulation. In 9th International Energy Agency Heat pump conference..
Madani, H., Lundqvist, P., Claesson, J. (2008). Variable capacity heat pumps, modelling and simulation. In IEA Heat Pump conference Proceeding (2008) 9th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference. Academic Conferences Publishing.
Chen, Y., Pridasawas, W., Lundqvist, P. (2007). Low-grade heat source utilization by carbon dioxide transcritical power cycle. In 2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007 Volume 1. (pp. 519-525).
Chen, Y., Lundqvist, P., Pridasawas, W. (2007). Theoretical Study of a Carbon Dioxide Double Loop System. Presented at International Congress of Refrigeration 2007, Beijing.
Chen, Y., Lundqvist, P. (2006). Analysis of supercritical carbon dioxide heat exchangers in cooling process. Presented at International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 17-20, 2006. Purdue University Press.
Chen, Y., Lundqvist, P. G. (2006). Carbon dioxide cooling and power combined cycle for mobile applications. In Proceedings of 7th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids..
Hägg, C., Arias, J., Lundqvist, P. (2005). A Comparison Between Single-Phase and Ice Slurry as Secondary Fluid in Supermarket. Presented at IIRThe International Institute of Refrigeration, Vicenza, Italy, 2005.
Palm, B. E., Fernando, P., Andersson, K., Lundqvist, P., Samoteeva, O. (2005). Designing a Heat Pump for Minimum Charge of Refrigerant. In Proc. IEA Heat Pump Conference, Las Vegas, USA, June 2005. Academic Conferences Publishing.
Arias, J., Lundqvist, P. (2005). Heat Recovery and Floating Condensing in Recent Refrigeration Systems in Supermarkets. Presented at IIR Int. Conf. Thermophysical properties and transfer process of refrigerants. Vicenza, Italien.
Arias, J., Lundqvist, P. (2005). Modelling Supermarket Energy Usage. Presented at IIR Int. Conf. Thermophysical properties and transfer process of refigerants. Vicenza, Italien.
Pridasawas, W., Lundqvist, P. (2004). Butane, as a Refrigerant for a Solar-Driven Ejector Refrigeration System. Presented at 6th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Natural Working Fluids Conf. UK, Glasgow: Academic Conferences Publishing.
Nemariam, T., Lundqvist, P. (2004). Modeling and Simulation of Solar-Assisted Absorption Cooling System. Presented at EuroSun 2004 The 5th ISES Europe Solar Conference. Freiburg, Germany.
Nemariam, T., Lundqvist, P. (2004). Modeling of Solar Cooling System : A Systems Approach. Presented at World Renewable Energy Congress VIII. Denver, Colorado, USA.
Pridasawas, W., Lundqvist, P. (2004). Optimization of a small-scale solar-driven ejector refrigeration system. Presented at Proceedings of the 5th ISES Europe solar conference, June 20-23. Freiburg, Germany: Academic Conferences Publishing.
Sakellari, D., Lundqvist, P. (2003). Influence of the Design Criteria on the Operation of a Domestic Heat Pump Heating System. In Proceedings of the 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration..
Fernando, W. P. D., Han, H., Palm, B., Granryd, E., Lundqvist, P. (2003). The Solubility of Propane (R290) with Commonly Used Compressor Lubrication Oils. In Compressors and Their Systems. (pp. 157-166).
Sakellari, D., Lundqvist, P. (2002). Modelling the Performance of a Domestic Low-Temperature Heating System based on a Heat Pump. Presented at Proceedings of the 9th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, 2002,July 16-19; West Lafayette, IN, USA. (pp. 65-72).

Chapters in books

Malakhatka, E. & Lundqvist, P. (2022). Actors’ Network Analysis and Bi-Directional Value Exchange Matrix Development for Living Labs: KTH Live-In-Lab Case Study. In Shaun West, Jürg Meierhofer, Utpal Mangla (Ed.), Smart Services Summit: Smart Services Supporting the New Normal (pp. 139-147). Springer.

Non-peer reviewed


Anund Vogel, J., Van Bueren, E., Verhoef, L., Goldberg, B., Lundqvist, P. & Sarin, E. (2020). Co-Creation in Living Labs to Accelerate Innovation. Civil Engineering Research Journal, 10(1).

Conference papers

Lundqvist, P. (2011). System Thinking For Evaluation Of The Performance Of Heat Pump Systems. In 23rd International Congress of Refrigeration. (pp. 3264-3271).
Madani, H., Claesson, J., lundqvist, P. (2010). Retrofitting a variable capacity heat pump to a ventilation heat recovery system : modeling and performance analysis. Presented at International Conference on Applied Energy.
Lundqvist, P., Nekså, P. (2005). Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Commercial Refrigeration Systems - What Matters?. Presented at IIR Int. Conf. Thermophysical properties and transfer process of refigerants. Vicenza, Italien.
Lundqvist, P. (2005). Mitigation of greenhouse gases in refrigeration. Presented at IEA HPC.


Rader Olsson, A., Stoltz, D., Håkansson, M., Hult, A., Lundqvist, P., Ekener, E. ... Frostell, B. (2015). Förstudie av det bilaterala svensk-kinesiska samarbetet kring ekostäder. Stockholm.
Madani, H., Lundqvist, P. & Claesson, J. (2010). P5 – Dynamic heat pump system with capacity control. .
Lundqvist, P. (2006). IPCC/TEAP Special Report on Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System (Seminar at the Swedish Refrigeration Society Annual Meeting). .
Hägg, C., Melinder, Å., Martin, C. & Lundqvist, P. (2005). A Proper Fluid for Ice Slurry at -35 ºC, (Internal Report of the Project ICE-COOL, Trita REFR No 05/47). .

Conference Proceedings

Arias, J., Lundqvist, P., Sawalha, S. (Eds.). (2010). Annex 31 : advanced modelling and tools for analysis of energy use in supermarket systems. Academic Conferences Publishing.
Bivens, D., Lundqvist, P. (Eds.). (2005). Supermarket Refrigeration Systems - Climate Change Impact. Las Vegas, USA: Academic Conferences Publishing.
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