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Pol Fernandez Reixach

Profile picture of Pol Fernandez Reixach

Doctoral student



About me

I am Chemical Engineer by education currently being a PhD Student in the Division of Process Technology at the KTH, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

I work in a project studying the storage of hydrogen in liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC). The project is part of the research center for Production, use and storage of hydrogen (PUSH).

My work focuses on the development of catalytic reactors that enable efficient and reliable production of hydrogen on demand. This includes catalyst selection, study of conversion, product selectivity, long-term stability and reactor technologies that allow enhanced mass and heat transfer rates. I am also a Teaching Assistant in the course: Chemical Process Engineering (KE1080 & KE1175).


Chemical Engineering Principles (KE1080), assistant | Course web

Chemical Process Engineering (KE1175), assistant | Course web