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Rebecka Winqvist

Profile picture of Rebecka Winqvist

Doctoral student




Researcher ID

About me

PhD student at the Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning, supervised by Jana Tumova. My research is concerned with planning and control of (cooperative) multi-agent systems.

PhD journey:

I began my PhD studies in July 2020 at the Division of Decision and Control Systems under the supervision of Bo Wahlberg and Cristian Rojas. In November 2023, I successfully defended my Licentiate Thesis, which can be found here. During this time, my work has been centered around learning-based approaches for control, including neural network-based MPC, and cooperative system identification methods based on MDP's and Optimal Transport.

As of December 2023, I'm continuing my PhD journey at the Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning under the supervision of Jana Tumova.

Since January 2021 I am also an affiliated student of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), where I belong to WASP AI MLX (batch 2).

Academic background:

  • B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, KTH (2018)
  • M.Sc. in Systems, Control and Robotics, KTH (2020)
  • Licentiate degree in Electrical Engineering, DCS, KTH (2023)

During my studies I participated in the Summer Research Fellowship (SURF) program at Caltech (2018), where I was supervised by Prof. Richard Murray and Sofie Haesaert. I also did an exchange year (2018-2019) at Imperial College London.


Artificial Intelligence (DD2380), assistant | Course web

Safe Robot Planning and Control (DD2415), assistant | Course web