Rodrigo Eduardo Muro Avendano
About me
Program Director Master in Architectural Lighting Design
MSc Architecture / MSc Lighting designer / MSc Industrial designer
Professionally experienced in architecture and lighting design, has been working independently and in various important offices in Mexico City, Cancun, Barcelona and Stockholm since 1997.
He believes that architecture molded by artificial and natural conditions of light influence our perception based on a socio-psychological connection of space and culture. Both, space and user, are influenced simultaneously in a cycle of inter-definition of each other.
Director, lecturer, tutor, course responsible and examiner at Masters in Architectural Lighting Design, KTH Architecrure School.
Lecturer, tutor and course responsible at Masters in Architecture. Year 4 & 5, KTH Architecrure School.
Independent Lighting designer
Guest speaker at Stockholm University and Umeå University
Prevoiusly part of Light Bureau as Lighting Designer and Master Head of Light Bureau Academy at Afry
Degree Project in Architectural Lighting Design, Second Cycle (AF270X), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Architecture, Second Cycle (A52EXA), teacher | Course web
Light and Humans (HS2007), teacher | Course web
Light and Science (HS2010), teacher | Course web
Light and Space-Indoor (HS2009), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Light and Space-Outdoor (HS2008), teacher | Course web