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Publications by Sara Borgström

Peer reviewed


C. Wrangsten, S. Ferlander and S. Borgström, "Feminist urban living labs and social sustainability : lessons from Sweden," Urban Transformations, vol. 4, no. 1, 2022.
N. Bergame, S. Borgström and R. Milestad, "Preparing the grounds for emancipation. Explaining commoning as an emancipatory mechanism through dialectical social theory," Environment and Planning E : Nature and Space, pp. 1-20, 2022.
M. Wolfram, S. Borgström and M. Farrelly, "Urban transformative capacity : From concept to practice," Ambio, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 437-448, 2019.
M. Sellberg et al., "From resilience thinking to Resilience Planning: Lessons from practice," Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 217, pp. 906-918, 2018.
F. Ehnert et al., "Urban sustainability transitions in a context of multi-level governance : A comparison of four European states," Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 26, pp. 101-116, 2018.
B. Nykvist, S. Borgström and E. Boyd, "Assessing the adaptive capacity of multi-level water governance : Ecosystem services under climate change in Mälardalen region, Sweden," Regional Environmental Change, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 2359-2371, 2017.
M. Hedblom, E. Andersson and S. Borgström, "Flexible land-use and undefined governance: From threats to potentials in peri-urban landscape planning," Land use policy, vol. 63, pp. 523-527, 2017.
S. Borgström, A. Zachrisson and K. Eckerberg, "Funding ecological restoration policy in practice-patterns of short-termism and regional biases," Land use policy, vol. 52, pp. 439-453, 2016.
E. Boyd et al., "Anticipatory governance for social-ecological resilience," Ambio, vol. 44, pp. s149-S161, 2015.
H. Erixon, S. Borgström and E. Andersson, "Challenging dichotomies : exploring resilience as an integrative and operative conceptual framework for large-scale urban green structures," Planning Theory & Practice, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 349-372, 2013.
S. Borgström, R. Lindborg and T. Elmqvist, "Nature conservation for what? : Analyses of urban and rural nature reserves in southern Sweden 1909-2006," Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 117, pp. 66-80, 2013.
S. Borgström, S. Cousins and R. Lindborg, "Outside the boundary - land use changes in the surroundings of urban nature reserves," Applied Geography, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 350-359, 2012.
H. Ernstson et al., "Scale-Crossing Brokers and Network Governance of Urban Ecosystem Services : The Case of Stockholm," Ecology and Society, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 28, 2010.
S. Borgström, "Patterns and challenges of urban nature conservation - a study of southern Sweden," Environment and planning A, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 2671-2685, 2009.
S. Borgström et al., "Scale mismatches in management of urban landscapes," Ecology and Society, vol. 11, no. 2, 2006.
T. Elmqvist et al., "The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Systems in Urban Landscapes," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1023, pp. 308-322, 2004.

Conference papers

J. Tholander et al., "But I Don’t Trust My Friends : Ecofriends - An Application for Reflective Grocery Shopping," in MobileHCI '12 Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference on Human Computer Interaction With Mobile Devices and Services, 2012, pp. 143-146.

Non-peer reviewed

Chapters in books

L. Brandimarte and S. Borgström, "Potentialities and Challenges of Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Cities," in Springer Geography, : Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024, pp. 239-266.
S. Borgström, "Kommunens nya roll som långsiktig brobyggare," in Innovation och stadsutveckling : En forskningsantologi om organisationsutmaningar för stad och kommun, Algehed, J.,Eneqvist, E., Jensen, C.,Lööf, J. Ed., 1st ed. Göteborg : Mistra Urban Futures, RISE, Vinnova, 2019, pp. 27-40.
E. Andersson, S. Borgström and T. McPhearson, "Double Insurance in Dealing with Extremes:Ecological and Social Factors for MakingNature-Based Solutions Last," in Nature‐based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptationin Urban Areas : Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions, Kabisch, N.,Korn, H., Stadler, J.,Bonn, A. Ed., Germany : Springer, 2017, pp. 51-64.
S. Borgström, "Governance perspectives on Urban Biodiversity," in Urban biodiversity from research to practice, Ossola, A and J. Niemelä Ed., : Earthscan Publications Ltd., 2017.
S. Borgström et al., "Lokala initiativ – en outnyttjad potential i Stockholmsregionens arbeteför hållbar utveckling," in Urban Utveckling och Interaktion, Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi Ed., Stockholm : SSAG, Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi, 2017, pp. 189-212.
N. Frantzeskaki et al., "Nature-Based Solutions Accelerating Urban Sustainability Transitions in Cities: Lessons from Dresden, Genk and Stockholm Cities," in Nature‐based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptationin Urban Areas : Linkages between Science, Policy and Practice, Kabisch, N,, Korn, H., Stadler, J., Bonn, A. Ed., Germany : Springer, 2017, pp. 65-88.
A. Dahlberg and S. Borgström, "Urbana gröna allmänningar för alla – eller inte? Tillgänglighet och mångfunktionalitet i en föränderlig stad," in Urban utveckling och interaktion, SSAG, Svenska sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi Ed., Stockholm : Svenska sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi, 2017, pp. 165-188.
S. Borgström, "Den nyttiga grönskan," in Stockholm : den gröna storstaden., Sörenson, Ulf Ed., Stockholm : Lind & Co, 2009.
S. Borgström, "Naturen till din tjänst," in SNF årsbok, : SNF, Stockholm, 2007.


S. Borgström, "Urban shades of green : Current patterns and future prospects of nature conservation in urban landscapes," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University, 2011.


S. Pandis-Iveroth, S. Borgström and H. Ernstson, "Fossilfri och tillgänglig transport och mobilitet," Stockholm, Vetenskapligt råd mellan KTH och Stockholm stad, 2021.
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