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Lotta Snickare

Profile picture of Lotta Snickare



Researcher ID

About me

About me

As docent in business studies specializing in gender studies I regard my work as belonging to gender research on working life and organizations. Since 2015 I have built a solid platform within the research area gender in Academic organizations. I was the project coordinator for the project FRONT (2015 – 2018), and am appointed as researcher in FRONT2 (2020-2023.) Both projects are financed by the Norwegian Research Council as part of the Balance program and situated at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Oslo University. In 2022 I coedited the book “Gender eguality in Academia – from knowledge to change” with professor Oystein Gullvåg Holter on the FRONT project. The empirical material from the project is both quantitative and qualitative: a survey to master students, a survey to all employees at the faculty including PhD students, around 90 interviews and empirical material from participatory research. The book is published at Gyllendal Akademisk as open access.

Presently, I am involved in three research projects:

-        FRONT2 - Future Research- and Organizational development in Natural sciences, Technology and Theology (2019-2023), funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

-        European Universities – Critical Futures (2019-2023) funded by the Danish Research Council (

 -       Men in focus - exploring homosocial cultures in organizations and developing methods to prevent sexual harassment (2021-2027) funded by the Swedish Research Council for health, working life and welfare (FORTE).

My teaching areas include organization, management and gender. I am responsible for the candidate course Organization and leadership, the master course Management and Leadership and the doctoral course Gender, Work and Organization.

I am also responsible for KTH´s career program, Partners in Learning (PiL), for assistant professors together with professor Johann Packendorff.


Degree Project in Building and Real Estate Economics, Second Cycle (AI206X), teacher | Course web

Management and Leadership (AI2127), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Organization and Management (AI1125), teacher | Course web

Qualitative Research Methods in Scientific Dissertations (FAI3021), teacher | Course web