Publications by Svetlana Ratynskaia
Peer reviewed
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Metallic melt transport across castellated tiles," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 64, no. 3, 2024.
I. Borodkina et al., "Modeling of plasma facing component erosion, impurity migration, dust transport and melting processes at JET-ILW," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 64, no. 10, 2024.
K. Paschalidis et al., "The MEMENTO code for modeling of macroscopic melt motion in fusion devices," Fusion engineering and design, vol. 206, 2024.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Beryllium melt instabilities and ejection during unmitigated current quenches in ITER," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 016004, 2023.
M. De Angeli et al., "Evidence for high-velocity solid dust generation induced by runaway electron impact in FTU," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 63, no. 1, 2023.
P. Tolias et al., "ITER relevant multi-emissive sheaths at normal magnetic field inclination," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 63, no. 2, 2023.
Q. Tichit et al., "Infrared detection of tungsten cracking on actively cooled ITER-like component during high power experiment in WEST," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 37, 2023.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Instability of molten beryllium layers during ITER thermal quenches," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 37, 2023.
K. Paschalidis et al., "Melt dynamics with MEMENTO — Code development and numerical benchmarks," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 37, 2023.
J. Beckers et al., "Physics and applications of dusty plasmas : The Perspectives 2023," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 30, no. 12, 2023.
M. De Angeli et al., "Post-mortem and in-situ investigations of magnetic dust in ASDEX Upgrade," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 36, 2023.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Remobilized dust dynamics and inventory evolution in ITER-like start-up plasmas," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 65, no. 1, 2023.
Y. Corre et al., "Testing of ITER-grade plasma facing units in the WEST tokamak: Progress in understanding heat loading and damage mechanisms," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 37, 2023.
P. Tolias et al., "Wall cratering upon high velocity normal dust impact," Fusion engineering and design, vol. 195, 2023.
C. A. Knapek et al., "COMPACT-a new complex plasma facility for the ISS," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 64, no. 12, 2022.
J. Vega et al., "Disruption prediction with artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas," Nature Physics, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 741-750, 2022.
S. V. Ratynskaia, A. Bortolon and S. I. Krasheninnikov, "Dust and powder in fusion plasmas : recent developments in theory, modeling, and experiments," Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, vol. 6, no. 1, 2022.
J. Coburn et al., "Energy deposition and melt deformation on the ITER first wall due to disruptions and vertical displacement events," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 62, no. 1, 2022.
S. Mazzi et al., "Enhanced performance in fusion plasmas through turbulence suppression by megaelectronvolt ions," Nature Physics, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 776-782, 2022.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Experiments and modelling on ASDEX Upgrade and WEST in support of tool development for tokamak reactor armour melting assessments," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 33, 2022.
S. V. Ratynskaia, L. Vignitchouk and P. Tolias, "Modelling of dust generation, transport and remobilization in full-metal fusion reactors," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 044004, 2022.
U. Stroth et al., "Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 62, no. 4, 2022.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Simulations of liquid metal flows over plasma-facing component edges and application to beryllium melt events in JET," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 036016, 2022.
J. Coburn et al., "Reassessing energy deposition for the ITER 5 MA vertical displacement event with an improved DINA model," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 28, 2021.
Y. Corre et al., "Sustained W-melting experiments on actively cooled ITER-like plasma facing unit in WEST," Physica Scripta, vol. 96, no. 12, 2021.
E. Thorén et al., "The MEMOS-U code description of macroscopic melt dynamics in fusion devices," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 63, no. 3, 2021.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "The MEMOS-U macroscopic melt dynamics code-benchmarking and applications," Physica Scripta, vol. 96, no. 12, 2021.
P. Tolias et al., "Diffusion bonding effects on the adhesion of tungsten dust on tungsten surfaces," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 24, 2020.
J. Coburn et al., "First wall energy deposition during vertical displacement events on ITER," Physica Scripta, vol. T171, no. 1, 2020.
S. Moradi et al., "Global scaling of the heat transport in fusion plasmas," Physical Review Research, vol. 2, 2020.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Numerical benchmark of transient pressure-driven metallic melt flows," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 25, 2020.
P. Tolias et al., "Origin and nature of the emissive sheath surrounding hot tungsten tokamak surfaces," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 25, 2020.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Resolidification-controlled melt dynamics under fast transient tokamak plasma loads," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 60, no. 10, 2020.
M. Komm et al., "Space-charge limited thermionic sheaths in magnetized fusion plasmas," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 60, no. 5, 2020.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Accumulation of beryllium dust in ITER diagnostic ports after off-normal events," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 20, 2019.
B. Labit et al., "Dependence on plasma shape and plasma fueling for small edge-localized mode regimes in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 59, no. 8, 2019.
E. Rachlew et al., "Measuring fast ions in fusion plasmas with neutron diagnostics at JET," Plasma Physics and Technology, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 014027, 2019.
H. Meyer et al., "Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 59, no. 11, 2019.
E. Joffrin et al., "Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 59, no. 11, 2019.
M. De Angeli et al., "Pre-plasma remobilization of ferromagnetic dust in FTU and possible interference with tokamak operations," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 59, no. 10, 2019.
P. Tolias et al., "The adhesion of tungsten dust on plasma-exposed tungsten surfaces," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 18, pp. 18-22, 2019.
A. Pau et al., "A First Analysis of JET Plasma Profile-Based Indicators for Disruption Prediction and Avoidance," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 2691-2698, 2018.
L. W. Packer et al., "Activation of ITER materials in JET : nuclear characterisation experiments for the long-term irradiation station," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 9, 2018.
P. Tolias et al., "Adhesive force distributions for tungsten dust deposited on bulk tungsten and beryllium-coated tungsten surfaces," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 15, pp. 55-63, 2018.
R. V. Budny et al., "Alpha heating, isotopic mass, and fast ion effects in deuterium-tritium experiments," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 9, 2018.
C. Sommariva et al., "Electron acceleration in a JET disruption simulation," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 10, 2018.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Electron reflection effects on particle and heat fluxes to positively charged dust subject to strong electron emission," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 25, no. 6, 2018.
C. Guillemaut et al., "Experimental validation of an analytical kinetic model for edge-localized modes in JET-ITER-like wall," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 6, 2018.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Interaction of adhered beryllium proxy dust with transient and stationary plasmas," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 17, pp. 222-227, 2018.
S. Ratynskaia et al., "Interaction of metal dust adhered on castellated substrates with the ELMy H-mode plasmas of ASDEX-Upgrade," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 10, 2018.
E. Thorén et al., "MEMOS 3D modelling of ELM-induced transient melt damage on an inclined tungsten surface in the ASDEX Upgrade outer divertor," Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 17, pp. 194-199, 2018.
A. Panarese et al., "Molecular dynamics calculation of the spectral densities of plasma fluctuations," Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 84, no. 3, 2018.
D. Rigamonti et al., "Neutron spectroscopy measurements of 14 MeV neutrons at unprecedented energy resolution and implications for deuterium-tritium fusion plasma diagnostics," Measurement science and technology, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 045502, 2018.
K. G. McClements et al., "Observations and modelling of ion cyclotron emission observed in JET plasmas using a sub-harmonic arc detection system during ion cyclotron resonance heating," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 9, 2018.
M. Lungaroni et al., "On the potential of ruled-based machine learning for disruption prediction on JET," Fusion engineering and design, vol. 130, pp. 62-68, 2018.
J. Vega et al., "Real-time implementation with FPGA-based DAQ system of a probabilistic disruption predictor from scratch," Fusion engineering and design, vol. 129, pp. 179-182, 2018.
A. Huber et al., "Real-time protection of the JET ITER-like wall based on near infrared imaging diagnostic systems," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 10, 2018.
B. J. Ding et al., "Review of recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 9, 2018.
E. Thorén et al., "Self-consistent description of the replacement current driving melt layer motion in fusion devices," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 10, 2018.
D. I. Refy et al., "Sub-millisecond electron density profile measurement at the JET tokamak with the fast lithium beam emission spectroscopy system (vol 89, 043509, 2018)," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 89, no. 6, 2018.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Survival and in-vessel redistribution of beryllium droplets after ITER disruptions," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 7, 2018.
C. Sommariva et al., "Test particles dynamics in the JOREK 3D non-linear MHD code and application to electron transport in a disruption simulation," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 58, no. 1, 2018.
B. Coiling et al., "Testing of tritium breeder blanket activation foil spectrometer during JET operations," Fusion engineering and design, vol. 136, pp. 258-264, 2018.
A. Baron-Wiechec et al., "Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamak (vol 133, pg 135, 2018)," Fusion engineering and design, vol. 137, pp. 48-48, 2018.
L. Vignitchouk et al., "Validating heat balance models for tungsten dust in cold dense plasmas," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 60, no. 11, 2018.
G. Riva et al., "Adhesion measurements for tungsten dust deposited on tungsten surfaces," NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, vol. 12, pp. 593-598, 2017.
L. Vignitchouk, S. V. Ratynskaia and P. Tolias, "Analytical model of particle and heat flux collection by dust immersed in dense magnetized plasmas," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 59, no. 10, 2017.
H. Strauss et al., "Comparison of JETAVDE disruption data with M3D simulations and implications for ITER," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 24, no. 10, 2017.
V. Weinzettl et al., "Dust remobilization experiments on the COMPASS tokamak," Fusion engineering and design, vol. 124, pp. 446-449, 2017.
P. Tolias et al., "Experimental validation of the analytical model for tungsten dust - wall mechanical impacts incorporated in the MIGRAINe dust dynamics code," NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, vol. 12, pp. 524-529, 2017.
K. Krieger et al., "Investigation of transient melting of tungsten by ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade," Physica Scripta, vol. T170, 2017.
M. Goniche et al., "Ion cyclotron resonance heating for tungsten control in various JET H-mode scenarios," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 59, no. 5, 2017.
I. Bykov et al., "Modification of adhered dust on plasma-facing surfaces due to exposure to ELMy H-mode plasma in DIII-D," NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, vol. 12, pp. 379-385, 2017.
A. Murari et al., "On efficiency and interpretation of sawteeth pacing with on-axis ICRH modulation in JET," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 57, no. 12, 2017.
M. Komm et al., "On thermionic emission from plasma-facing components in tokamak-relevant conditions," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 59, no. 9, 2017.
H. Meyer et al., "Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 57, no. 10, 2017.
S. Brezinsek et al., "Plasma-wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: Progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 57, no. 11, 2017.
M. De Angeli et al., "Remobilization of tungsten dust from castellated plasma-facing components," NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, vol. 12, pp. 536-540, 2017.
M. Komm et al., "Simulations of thermionic suppression during tungsten transient melting experiments," Physica Scripta, vol. T170, 2017.
E. Thorén et al., "Simulations with current constraints of ELM-induced tungsten melt motion in ASDEX Upgrade," Physica Scripta, vol. T170, 2017.
Y. Corre et al., "Thermal analysis of protruding surfaces in the JET divertor," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 57, no. 6, 2017.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Tungsten dust remobilization under steady-state and transient plasma conditions," NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, vol. 12, pp. 569-574, 2017.
P. Tolias et al., "Dust remobilization in fusion plasmas under steady state conditions," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 58, no. 2, 2016.
S. Ratynskaia et al., "Interaction of adhered metallic dust with transient plasma heat loads," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 56, 2016.
P. Tolias et al., "The finite probe size effect in fluctuation measurements; application to dusty plasmas," Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 82, no. 2, 2016.
S. Ratynskaia and S. Jacquemot, "41st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics Preface," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 010301, 2015.
S. Ratynskaia, G. Dilecce and P. Tolias, "BABE - a brush cathode discharge for thermal fluctuation measurements," Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 81, 2015.
S. Ratynskaia et al., "Elastic-plastic adhesive impacts of tungsten dust with metal surfaces in plasma environments," Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 463, pp. 877-880, 2015.
A. Shalpegin et al., "Highly resolved measurements of dust motion in the sheath boundary of magnetized plasmas," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 55, no. 11, 2015.
P. Tolias et al., "Natural fluctuations in un-magnetized and magnetized plasmas," Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 81, 2015.
P. Tolias, S. Ratynskaia and U. de Angelis, "Soft mean spherical approximation for dusty plasma liquids : Level of accuracy and analytic expressions," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 22, no. 8, 2015.
L. Vignitchouk, P. Tolias and S. Ratynskaia, "Dust-wall and dust-plasma interaction in the MIGRAINe code," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 095005, 2014.
S. Ratynskaia, G. Dilecce and P. Tolias, "Nitrogen optical emission during nanosecond laser ablation of metals : prompt electrons or photo-ionization?," Applied Physics A : Materials Science & Processing, vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 409-413, 2014.
P. Tolias, S. Ratynskaia and U. de Angelis, "Soft mean spherical approximation for dusty plasma liquids : One- component Yukawa systems with plasma shielding," Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 90, no. 5, pp. 053101, 2014.
I. Bykov et al., "Transport asymmetry and release mechanisms of metal dust in the reversed-field pinch configuration," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 035014, 2014.
M. Kantor et al., "Characterization of dust particles in the TEXTOR tokamak with Thomson scattering diagnostic," Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 438, no. Suppl., pp. S711-S714, 2013.
A. Litnovsky et al., "Dust investigations in TEXTOR : Impact of dust on plasma-wall interactions and on plasma performance," Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 438, no. Suppl., pp. S126-S132, 2013.
S. Ratynskaya et al., "Dust-surface collisions in adhesion regime for tokamak relevant materials," Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 438, no. Suppl., pp. S796-S799, 2013.
S. Ratynskaia et al., "Migration of tungsten dust in tokamaks : role of dust-wall collisions," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 123002, 2013.
P. Tolias and S. Ratynskaia, "Scattering of radiation in collisionless dusty plasmas," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 043706, 2013.
P. Tolias and S. Ratynskaia, "Screening in weakly ionized dusty plasmas; effect of dust density perturbations," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 023702, 2013.
I. Bykov et al., "Time resolved collection and characterization of dust particles moving in the TEXTOR scrape-off layer," Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 438, no. Suppl., pp. S681-S685, 2013.
I. Bykov et al., "Collection of mobile dust in the T2R reversed field pinch," Nukleonika, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 55-60, 2012.
S. Ratynskaia, "Dusty plasmas vs. multicomponent plasmas," Nukleonika, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 307-312, 2012.
U. de Angelis, P. Tolias and S. Ratynskaia, "Effects of dust particles in plasma kinetics; ion dynamics time scales," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 073701, 2012.
S. A. Khrapak et al., "Grain charging in an intermediately collisional plasma," Europhysics letters, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 35001, 2012.
P. Tolias, S. Ratynskaia and U. de Angelis, "Spectra of ion density and potential fluctuations in weakly ionized plasmas in the presence of dust grains," Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 026408-1-026408-9, 2012.
E. Lazzaro et al., "Transport and effects of ferromagnetic dust in a tokamak with a metallic vessel," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 124043, 2012.
S. Ratynskaia et al., "Diagnostics of mobile dust in scrape-off layer plasmas," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 074009, 2011.
L. Laguardia et al., "Formation of dust in low-pressure magnetized hydrocarbon plasmas," New Journal of Physics, vol. 13, pp. 063006, 2011.
P. Tolias, S. Ratynskaia and U. de Angelis, "Kinetic models of partially ionized complex plasmas in the low frequency regime," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 073705, 2011.
M. De Angeli et al., "Note : Simultaneous electrical and optical detection of expanding dense partially ionized vapour clouds," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 82, no. 10, pp. 106101, 2011.
H. Bergsåker et al., "Studies of mobile dust in scrape-off layer plasmas using silica aerogel collectors," Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 415, no. 1, pp. S1089-S1093, 2011.
I. Proverbio et al., "The dynamics of ferromagnetic dust particles in the FTU tokamak," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 53, no. 11, 2011.
S. Ratynskaia et al., "Grain transport in three-dimensional soft dusty plasma states," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 034502, 2010.
U. de Angelis, G. Regnoli and S. Ratynskaia, "Long-range attraction of negatively charged dust particles in weakly ionized dense dust clouds," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 043702, 2010.
C. Castaldo et al., "On the feasibility of electro-optical detection of dust-impact ionization in tokamaks," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 105003, 2010.
S. Ratynskaiy et al., "Plasma fluctuation spectra as a diagnostic tool for submicron dust," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 043703, 2010.
J. Olson et al., "Potential structure around th Cassini spacecraft near the orbit of Enceladus," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 17, no. 10, 2010.
P. Tolias, S. Ratynskaia and U. de Angelis, "Regimes for experimental tests of kinetic effects in dust acoustic waves," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 103707, 2010.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Capture by aerogel-characterization of mobile dust in tokamak scrape-off layer plasmas," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 49, no. 12, 2009.
V. Yaroshenko et al., "Characteristics of charged dust inferred from the Cassini RPWS measurements in the vicinity of Enceladus," Planetary and Space Science, vol. 57, no. 14-15, pp. 1807-1812, 2009.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Critical fluctuations and anomalous transport in soft Yukawa-Langevin systems," , vol. 80, no. 4, 2009.
J. E. Wahlund et al., "Detection of dusty plasma near the E-ring of Saturn," Planetary and Space Science, vol. 57, no. 14-15, pp. 1795-1806, 2009.
E. Giovannozzi et al., "Dust measurement with Thomson scattering in FTU," AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 988, pp. 148-151, 2008.
D. L. Rudakov et al., "Dust measurements in tokamaks (invited)," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 79, no. 10, pp. 10F303, 2008.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Hypervelocity dust impacts in FTU scrape-off layer," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 48, no. 1, 2008.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "In situ dust detection in fusion devices," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 124046, 2008.
K. Rypdal et al., "Scale-free vortex cascade emerging from random forcing in a strongly coupled system," New Journal of Physics, vol. 10, 2008.
C. Castaldo et al., "Diagnostics of fast dust particles in tokamak edge plasmas," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. L5-L9, 2007.
S. V. Annibaldi et al., "Dust-acoustic dispersion relation in three-dimensional complex plasmas under microgravity," New Journal of Physics, vol. 9, 2007.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Observation of the effects of dust particles on plasma fluctuation spectra," Physical Review Letters, vol. 99, no. 7, 2007.
M. H. Thoma et al., "PK-4 : Complex plasmas in space - The next generation," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 255-259, 2007.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Transport in strongly coupled two-dimensional complex plasmas : Role of the interaction potential," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 14, no. 1, 2007.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Electrostatic interaction between dust particles in weakly ionized complex plasmas," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 13, no. 10, 2006.
M. H. Thoma et al., "Parabolic flight experiments with PK-4," Microgravity, science and technology, vol. 18, no. 04-mar, pp. 47-50, 2006.
K. Rypdal and S. V. Ratynskaia, "Plasma profiles, waves and anomalous transport in a purely toroidal plasma modified by a biased internal anode," Physica Scripta, vol. T122, pp. 52-65, 2006.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Superdiffusion and viscoelastic vortex flows in a two-dimensional complex plasma," Physical Review Letters, vol. 96, no. 10, 2006.
V. Yaroshenko et al., "Determination of the ion-drag force in a complex plasma," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 12, no. 9, 2005.
V. V. Yaroshenko et al., "Measurements of the dust-ion momentum transfer frequency and ion drag force in complex plasmas," Contributions to Plasma Physics, vol. 45, no. 04-mar, pp. 223-228, 2005.
K. Rypdal and S. V. Ratynskaia, "Onset of turbulence and profile resilience in the Helimak configuration," Physical Review Letters, vol. 94, no. 22, 2005.
S. A. Khrapak et al., "Particle charge in the bulk of gas discharges," Physical Review E, vol. 72, no. 1, 2005.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Statistics of particle transport in a two-dimensional dusty plasma cluster," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 12, no. 2, 2005.
V. Fortov et al., "The project 'Plasmakristall-4' (PK-4) - a new stage in investigations of dusty plasmas under microgravity conditions : first results and future plans," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 47, pp. B537-B549, 2005.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Dust mode in collisionally dominated complex plasmas with particle drift," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 613-616, 2004.
S. V. Ratynskaia et al., "Experimental determination of dust-particle charge in a discharge plasma at elevated pressures," Physical Review Letters, vol. 93, no. 8, 2004.
K. Rypdal and S. V. Ratynskaia, "Fluctuation threshold and profile resilience in weakly ionized plasma in a curved, unsheared magnetic field," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 4623-4633, 2004.
A. Usachev et al., "The project Plasmakristall-4 (PK-4) - a dusty plasma experiment in a combined dc/rf(i) discharge plasma under microgravity conditions," Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, vol. 54, pp. C639-C647, 2004.
K. Rypdal et al., "Non-equilibrium quasi-stationary states in a magnetized plasma," Nonlinear processes in geophysics, vol. 10, no. 02-jan, pp. 139-149, 2003.
K. Rypdal and S. V. Ratynskaia, "Statistics of low-frequency plasma fluctuations in a simple magnetized torus," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 2686-2695, 2003.
V. I. Demidov, S. V. Ratynskaia and K. Rypdal, "Electric probes for plasmas : The link between theory and instrument," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 73, no. 10, pp. 3409-3439, 2002.
S. V. Ratynskaia, V. I. Demidov and K. Rypdal, "Measurements of anomalous particle and energy fluxes in a magnetized plasma," Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics : Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol. 65, no. 6, 2002.
S. V. Ratynskaia, V. I. Demidov and K. Rypdal, "Probe measurements of ion energy distribution in magnetized plasmas," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 73, no. 12, pp. 4232-4236, 2002.
S. V. Ratynskaia, V. I. Demidov and K. Rypdal, "Probe measurements of low-frequency plasma potential and electric field fluctuations in a magnetized plasma," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 4135-4143, 2002.
S. V. Ratynskaia, K. Rypdal and V. I. Demidov, "Measurements of plasma potential and electron temperature fluctuation in a low-temperature magnetized plasma," Contributions to Plasma Physics, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 449-454, 2001.
V. I. Demidov, S. V. Ratynskaia and K. Rypdal, "Reducing influence of ion current on measurements of electron energy distributions in collisional plasmas," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 72, no. 11, pp. 4106-4109, 2001.
V. I. Demidov, S. V. Ratynskaia and K. Rypdal, "The analysis of probe I-V characteristics in a magnetized low-temperature plasma," Contributions to Plasma Physics, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 443-448, 2001.
S. V. Ratynskaia, V. I. Demidov and K. Rypdal, "A probe for measurements of electrostatic fluctuations in a low-temperature magnetized plasma," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 1367-1369, 2000.
S. V. Ratynskaia, V. I. Demidov and K. Rypdal, "Probe measurements of electron temperature and density in strongly magnetized plasma," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 3382-3384, 2000.
Conference papers
E. Pawelec et al., "Molecular ND Band Spectroscopy in the Divertor Region of Nitrogen Seeded JET Discharges," in International Conferences On Research And Applications Of Plasmas (Plasma-2017), 2018, p. 012009.
L. Simons et al., "Simulating dust in magnum-PSI and JET," in 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018, 2018, pp. 1720-1723.
F. Nespoli et al., "Modelling and diagnostics of hypervelocity dust particles in a tokamak," in 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2012, EPS 2012 and the 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics : Volume 1., 2012, pp. 520-523.
E. Lazzaro, S. V. Ratynskaia and I. Proverbio, "Hypervelocity regime of dust particles in tokamaks," in AIP Conf. Proc., 2011, pp. 103-109.
E. Giovannozzi et al., "Dust in FTU with the Thomson scattering diagnostic," in AIP CONF PROC, 2008, pp. 213-214.
C. Castaldo et al., "Fast dust particles in tokamak plasmas : Detection and effects," in 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2007, EPS 2007 - Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 2007, pp. 848-851.
Non-peer reviewed
S. V. Ratynskaia, "2023 Nuclear Fusion prize acceptance speech," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 64, no. 1, 2024.
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