Tanja Richter
Doctoral student
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolanhttps://www.kth.se/profile/tanjar
Researcher ID
About me
PhD student in technology and learning with a background in sociology, global studies, and communication. My current research at KTH revolves around global competence, a concept connecting intercultural communication with a sustainability mindset. My goal is to find ways to optimize global competence development at higher education institutions.
Local research groups I am currently engaged in:
- Member of the KTH research cluster on global competence, focusing on global competence development.
- Member of the KTH research cluster on sustainability, focusing on transformative education for sustainable development.
- Founding member of FINT (Forskning inom INTernationalisering), a research collaboration on internationalisation in nordic countries.
International projects I have worked with:
- GALLANT (Global competence And the Linguistic Landscape At the Technical university), a project aiming to strenghten the integration of cultural and linguistic competencies in higher engineering education.
- BADGE (Becoming A Digital Global Engineer), a project focusing on the development of teaching and learning materials for enhancing global competence in engineering classrooms.
- TA VIE (Tools for Enhancing and Assessing the Value of International Experience for Engineers), a project for identifying and assessing the global competencies deemed important by industry.
Global Competence (LS2600), assistant | Course web
Intercultural Competence (LS1600), assistant | Course web
Intercultural and Global Competence (LS1002), teacher | Course web
Working in Virtual Teams: Global Competence for International Professionals (LS1001), teacher | Course web