Wajid Ali Khilji
Research Engineer
About me
Wajid Ali Khilji is a Reserach engineer in Logistics Automation and Digital Infrastructure at the Sustainable Production Logistices Department (HPU) at the School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM) at KTH. He has a Masters Degree in Software Engineering on a state funded scholarship from Universtiy of Tartu (UT), a Masters in Business Administration from SZABIST, and a Bacholars degree in Software Engineering from University of Sindh. He have been a Chief Technology Officer of a Blockchain Startup. He posses extensive experiance of building software projects in industries like, Fintech, advert, News and TV, Roads, and E-commerce. Currently he is building automation logistics systems, digital twin systems, server management and deployments and teaching. For more details please visit: LinkedIn
Digitalisation for Sustainable Production (ML2303), teacher | Course web
Electrical and Control Engineering (HM1006), teacher | Course web
Electrical and Control Engineering (ML1607), teacher, assistant | Course web
Production Logistics and Supply Chains (ML2305), teacher | Course web