Walter Villanueva
Om mig
Walter Villanueva is a Docent in Nuclear Power Safety at the Department of Physics, KTH. He is a graduate of KTH in 2007 (PhD Fluid Mechanics), Chalmers University of Technology in 2003 (MSc Engineering Mathematics, STINT Scholar), and the University of the Philippines in 1997 at the age of 19 (BS Physics-Mathematics). He did a 2-year postdoctoral stint at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US. He is currently leading research projects funded by the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) of Japan and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM). He also leads the CHAIN project with granted access to Archer2 (UK) , the TRAIN project with granted access to the Juelich Supercomputing Center (JSC, Germany), and a project on GPU systems with granted access to the Vega HPC (Slovenia). He also coordinates a research collaboration with the Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG), the Netherlands. He actively participates in European Commission, IAEA, and OECD-NEA projects. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor of the journal Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering. His research interests include nuclear safety, computational fluid dynamics, multicomponent and multiphase flow, porous media flow, and thermal stratification and mixing.
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