Xiaogai Li
About me
Associate Professor in Neuronic Engineering and Docent in Technology and Health, with expertise in finite element modeling and neuroimaging, research concerns traumatic brain injuries with a particular interest in children/infants, and clinical applications. The research combines computational, neuroimaging, and clinical methods and technologies to understand the mechanisms of injury, also to aid clinical/forensic diagnosis, design new treatments, and develop protective strategies. Participated in EU projects FP7 PIPER & Marie Sklodowska-Curie HEADS ITN, obtained funds from Swedish Research Council (VR) - BioLEAP & BioSAVE (on shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma), Vinnova, STINT, KTH Innovation, KTH Digital Future's seed funding, Stiftelsen Anna-Stina och John Mattssons Minnesstiftelse för sonen Johan (managed by Hjärnfonden). Side projects: CRS Awareness initiative; hypothesized a mechanical approach for Migraine Alleviation.
Biomechanics and Neuronics (HL2035), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Medical Engineering, Second Cycle (HL205X), teacher | Course web
Project Carrier Course for Medical Engineers, part 2 (CM2016), teacher | Course web
Simulation Methods in Medical Engineering (CM2014), course responsible, teacher | Course web