Zuhara Zemke Chavez
Assistant professor, Researcher
About me
Zuhara Zemke Chavez (Former Zuhara Chavez) is an Assistant Professor in Production Management at the Department of Production Engineering. She holds a Ph.D. in Automotive science(Kyushu University - 2018) with a background in Industrial Engineering focusing on production systems. She has professional experience in the Automotive and Aerospace Industry in procurement, logistics, and operations. Before joining KTH, during her doctoral studies, she conducted empirical research in the automotive industry in Mexico and Japan, collaborating with domestic suppliers and leading car makers in both countries. Currently, she is actively involved in collaborative research with Industry partners focusing on resource-efficient operations, Production systems development, and cross-scale resilience in the Swedish manufacturing Industry.
Her research interests are production systems design, adaptation, transference, and the influence of digitalization in the evolution of current production systems for increased sustainability and resiliency.
Zuhara is part of the IRIS initiative and industrial transformation platform network for industrial transformation toward climate change and competitiveness. She is also part of the KTH team developing and running the Module Management of Manufacturing Digitalization in Ingenjör 4.0 a Produktion2030 initiative for skills development and life-long learning.
Research projects at KTH:
ASPIRE - Automation solutions for production deviation management
Alistair - Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Production
RESPIRE - Rethinking the management of unexpected events for resilient and sustainable production
DYNASTEEL - Dynamic scheduling and transport visibility in steel production
Production Angels - Scaling up
Green Design - Circular and sustainable production investments
Areas of interest:
#sustainability #industrialtransformation #research #industry #sustainabletransformation #climatechange #visualization #productionsystemsdesign #greenandlean #digitaltransformation #resilience
Production Management and Development (ML2301), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Theory of Science and Research Methodology in Sustainable Production Development (ML2307), teacher, course responsible | Course web