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Web and Mobile GIS

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AG2414 Web and Mobile GIS

Course Examiner(s):

Gyözö Gidofalvi


Gyözö Gidofalvi, KTH, gyozo.gidofalvi(a)abe.kth.se (GG)

Teaching Assistant:



Internet GIS: Distributed Geographic Information Services for the Internet and Wireless Networks, authored by Dr. Zhong-Ren Peng and Dr. Ming-Hsiang Tsou.  Published by Wiley. 2003. (PT)

Additional reading will be given during lectures.

Course Description:

The aim of the course is to teach students the fundamental theories and technologies for disseminating and processing geographic information by means of Internet and World Wide Web. For this, two specific distributed GIS architectures are studied: the Web-based and the mobile GIS architectures. It is demonstrated through case studies, laboratory exercises, and group projects that these architectures and related technologies allow 1) the creation of dynamic web maps and Internet-based geographic analysis, and 2) the provision of GIS functionality in the field through mobile GIS solutions and in a commercial setting in the form of Location-Based Services (LBSes). At the end of the course, students should know how to design and implement web maps, Internet-based geographic analysis, and mobile GIS and LBS solutions..

The course covers the following topics:

  • Basics of computer networking, Internet, WWW
  • Client/server computing and the distributed component framework
  • Open source and commercial (ESRI) Internet mapping software
  • Standards for distributed GIS services
  • Design and implementation of dynamic maps and geographical analysis via the WWW
  • GPS and Mobile GIS concepts
  • Professional GPS and mobile devices
  • ESRI Mobile GIS software
  • Mobile solutions for capturing, storing, updating, analyzing, and displaying geographic information


The course is composed of lectures, laboratory exercises, project and student presentations.


  • AG2411, GIS Architecture and Algorithms, 7.5c (or equivalent)
  • AG2412, Geovisualisation, 7.5c (or equivalent)
  • AG2425, Spatial Databases, 7.5c (or equivalent)

Students who did not pass the exams in these (or equivalent) courses may not register for this course.

Examination and requirements for final grade:

  • Approved exercise reports (LAB1; 3 ECTs; Grade scale: P, F)
  • Sucessfully developed and presented final project (PROJ1; 4.5 ECTs, Grade scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F)

Bonus points:

Students can receive one bonus point for each lab that they finish (submit and get approved) before the deadline. Lab results (reports) can also be submitted after the deadline, but no bonus point is given for such labs. The sum of the bonus points is incorporated in the final grade of students which is based on the project work.
