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BB1190 Schedule and reading assignments


Contains lecture and homework schedule, reading assignments, grading

Optional: Advice from previous students to future course participants.pdf To summarize: "Do the assigned readings on time, you will learn so much more from the lectures!"

Teacher Paul Hudson created page 17 March 2015

Paul Hudson tagged with Course Schedule. 17 March 2015

Paul Hudson Moved page from Gene Technology (BB1190) 17 March 2015

Paul Hudson Moved page from VT 2015, 61132 17 March 2015

Teacher Paul Hudson changed the permissions 17 March 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Paul Hudson edited 17 March 2015

BB1190 VT15 P4: Genteknik och molekylärbiologi

BB1190 Course schedule and reading

* Please register for the course, here is a message from Studentexpeditionen:
Studenterna ska kursregistrera sig själv, via webben. Påminn dom gärna! Webbanmälan är öppen 16/3 – 26/3, därefter måste dom komma till mig. Är dom inte registrerade kan dom inte anmäla sig till tentorna eller få något betyg inrapporterat. Omregistreringar görs hos mig, det kan dom inte göra själva.¶

* The readings from Clark and Pazdernik I will not upload as I assume you have that text. All others I will provide.
* Dont forget to sign up for a lab week:  http://doodle.com/5xs9yu58zne4ku3a¶