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The examination has four parts.

  • There are two home assignements (Mästarprov). They consist of 4 problems. They will be graded F-A. Basically, two problems c orrectly solved give you an E. They will be handed out during the course. You should hand in a written report and then do a short oral exam (15 min).
  • There are two laboratory works.
  • The course ends with a written exam.

Last year's exam

Three of the parts are graded: Mas 1, Mas 2 and Exam. The final course grade will be the mean value of these grades where E count s as 1 and A counts as 5. In the first written phase the grade on the exam will be E, D or C. If you get grade C on the exam or i f you pass the exam and has got at least C on both Mas 1 and Mas 2 you can do a complementary exam and raise the grade on the exam to B or A. On the complementary exam you can also raise the grade on Mas 1 and Mas 2. The form of the exam is like this: You get 1, 2 or 3 problems to solve depending on whether you want a higher grade on Mas 1, Mas 2 or the exam. You get one hour to think about the problems. Then you will present the solutions to the examiner.

Preliminary schedule for Mästarprov

Mästarprov 1 will be published 14/2 and shall be handed in 28/2.

Mästarprov 2 will be published 14/4 and shall be handed in 28/4.


Johan Karlander created page 22 January 2014

Teacher Johan Karlander changed the permissions 22 January 2014

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Teacher Johan Karlander changed the permissions 30 January 2014

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