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Laboratory work

Laboratory work in algokomp14

Each lab assignment consists of a set of theory excercises and a programming assignment. If they are done in time they will give give one bonus credit each to the written exam. Thus you can get up to 4 bonus credits.


If you need help help with the lab you can contact 

Mladen miksa@kth.se

Fredrik Lilkaer lilkaer@kth.se

Mattias Andrée maandree@kth.se

If you are going to present solutions to the theory questions you should present them in written form (and be prepaired to explain them).

Lab 2

 For those of you who haven't completed all labs there will be an extra opportunity during the lab week:

Lab week


Johan Karlander created page 22 January 2014

Teacher Johan Karlander changed the permissions 22 January 2014

Kan därmed läsas av studerande och lärare och ändras av lärare.

Teacher Johan Karlander changed the permissions 30 January 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.