Lecture 13
Time: Monday 6 October 2014 at 15:00 - 17:00
Location: E3
Activity: Lecture
Teachers: Elina Eriksson () , Daniel Pargman ()
Sustainability and behavioural change
Guest lecturer: Greger Henriksson and Björn Hedin
Content: Gregers part of the lecture will concern everyday behaviour in relation to sustainability, through the lens of environmental sociology. He will talk about, and exemplify by, his research projects on e.g. congestion charges, waste and e-waste. Björn's part of the lecture will cover how behavior design and gamification can be applied in a sustainability context.
About: Greger Henriksson holds a MA (1994) and a Ph.D. (2008) in European Ethnology at Lund University (Sweden). Current position is as a senior researcher and teacher at the Division of Environmental Strategies Research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He is also co-ordinating research on ICT use within CESC - Centre for Sustainable Communications. Earlier research includes studies of waste handling, consumption and the introduction of congestion charges in Stockholm. Most studies have been interdisciplinary and often done with partners outside academia.
Björn Hedin holds an M.Sc. in computer science (2000) and just presented his doctoral dissertation in Media Technology / Technology Enhanced Learning at KTH. He is currently leading a project financed by the Swedish Energy Agency where the goal is to use quantified self and behavior design to help individuals discover their energy consumption patterns and to improve their energy habits.
Henriksson, Greger; Miriam Börjesson Rivera (2014) Why do we buy and throw away electronics? Paper at conference ISDR (20th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference), Trondheim juni 2014.
Henriksson, Börjesson Rivera and Åkesson (2012) Environmental Policy Instruments (congestion charging and sorting of waste) Seen as Negotiations
Webinar: "Designing for behavior change" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbDThgLdH_g (1h 9m)
A pdf on the same topic: http://actiondesign.hellowallet.com/documents/2014/03/toolkit-designing-behavior-change.pdf
A short introduction to gamification: https://class.coursera.org/gamification-003/lecture/22 (12 m)