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Lecture 11

Tid: Tisdag 29 september 2015 kl 13:00 - 15:00 2015-09-29T13:00:00 2015-09-29T15:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2015 hallmed15

Plats: E2

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Lärare: Elina Eriksson () , Daniel Pargman ()

Studentgrupper: CMETE_4, TMETM_1, TMETM_2, TMMTM_1, TMMTM_2


Evolutionary and institutional economics - using economics as a tool for sustainability

Guest Lecturer: Thomas Hahn, Agr. dr., Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Content: Economics offers powerful tools to guide policy. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness sound very attractive, it's wasy to agree on these intuitive claims. But these and related concepts are based on a narrow ethical basis and applied economics compromises even more, making the norm Sustainable Development difficult to reach with the norms efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The lecture will explain the reaons for this and suggest remedies.

About: Thomas Hahn has a MSc in Agricultural Economics and did a PhD based in ecological and institutional economics, addressing property rights of the Sami and conflict resolution. He has been teachning economists and non-economists for the last 20 years and his research focuses on governance and transformation of social-ecological systems. He is board member of Sveaskog AB and the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund.


TEDx talk by Kate Raworth

Hahn, T., 2014, Green economy, economic growth and sustainable development. in Access to Resources - An Urban Agenda. AADR

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 12 mars 2015

ändrade rättigheterna 30 april 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Assistent Elina Eriksson redigerade 23 september 2015

FöreläsningLecture 11

Economical Sustainability Guest Lecturer: Thomas Hahn Content: Will come soon¶



TEDx talk by Kate Raworth¶

Hahn, T., 2014, Green economy, economic growth and sustainable development. in Access to Resources - An Urban Agenda. AADR¶

Administratör Daniel Pargman redigerade 23 september 2015

Economical Sustainability Guest Lecturer: Thomas Hahn Content: Will come soon¶ About:volutionary and institutional economics - using economics as a tool for sustainability Guest Lecturer: Thomas Hahn, Agr. dr., Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University Content: Economics offers powerful tools to guide policy. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness sound very attractive, it's wasy to agree on these intuitive claims. But these and related concepts are based on a narrow ethical basis and applied economics compromises even more, making the norm Sustainable Development difficult to reach with the norms efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The lecture will explain the reaons for this and suggest remedies.¶

About: Thomas Hahn has a MSc in Agricultural Economics and did a PhD based in ecological and institutional economics, addressing property rights of the Sami and conflict resolution. He has been teachning economists and non-economists for the last 20 years and his research focuses on governance and transformation of social-ecological systems. He is board member of Sveaskog AB and the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund.


TEDx talk by Kate Raworth

Hahn, T., 2014, Green economy, economic growth and sustainable development. in Access to Resources - An Urban Agenda. AADR

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2015-09-23 20:18

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.