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The Sustainable Electric Power Engineer

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This course is mandatory for students on the Masters program in Electric Power Engineering, the course covers 3 ECTS credits and spans across 2 years (all four semesters) of the program.

There is a shorter version of the course (EH2221) which has the same content as EH2220, but covers only 1,5 ECTS. This version of the course is intended for students following only 1 year of the program, either because they are studying at KTH as part of an exchange program, or students that leave KTH for studies abroad.

The aim of the course is to discuss and reflect on key issues of the role of engineers in the society; the role of technology in achieving economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development; and the scientific, social and ethical aspects of research and development.

The course spans two years, i.e. eight study periods.  At each period a different topic is covered.  Each topic is covered by the students studying a set of texts and writing a short text on personal reflection on the contents. This is then discussed at a seminar with a group of students together with a teacher. In total for the whole duration of the course, there will be 6 such topics + 1 final text, meaning 7 texts to be written and 6 seminars to attend.

Examples of  topics of the course are:  study skills, the role of technology and the role of engineers in the society, social and ethical aspects, our responsibility for how technology is used, the international labor market, culture and communication.
