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Seminar 2

Study Systems, Control and Robotics Master – How?

This second seminar will be devoted to learning, what it really means to know something and on different levels and forms of learning. 

Reading before the seminar

Several attempts have been made to classify different forms of learning objectives. One of the most popular is the so-called Bloom's taxonomy. To get a brief overview, please read the following.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Applied to Engineering Education

A Model of Learning Objectives

Written reflection (1 week before the first seminar)

Write a reflecting text of 500-600 words (about a page) answering the following questions

  • What does it mean to you to learn something?
  • What form of learning was valued the most in your BSc programme?
  • For foreigners:
    • Have you noticed any difference in the attitude towards learning here at KTH, compared to your BSc studies? Does it pose an additional challenge?
  • For students that studied at KTH before the masters programme
    • Have you noticed any difference in the courses on BSc and MSc level when it comes to how/what you are expected to learn?
  • What form of learning will be most useful for your future career?
  • Mention something that you really master. It does not have to have anything to do with your studies. How did you learn it?

Also complete the surveys for the courses that your have finished (ONLY FINISHED COURSES!!!) in BILDA here https://bilda.kth.se/courseId/10417/content.do?id=21460040


Write your name at the top of the page. Save the document in PDF format (there are several free PDF converters available, for example PrimoPDF if your word processing software does not support PDF). NOTE: Name the document seminar2-firstname-familyname.pdf and upload it to the corresponding assignment in BILDA (http://bilda.kth.se).


Before the seminar

Read all the reflecting documents of your group mates. Mark the sentences that you find particularly interesting or important.

During the seminar

Take active part in the discussions!

Patric Jensfelt created page 21 November 2013

Teacher Patric Jensfelt changed the permissions 1 May 2014

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