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If you cannot attend the seminar

If you cannot attend the seminar

You need to read the reflections from the students in your group and make an overall analysis. That is, read them all and look for common factors. Where are the strengths and weaknesses? What would your recommendations be based on this if you were to make adjustments to get better fulfillment of the objectives? Are all part of the objectives equally important? How big is the variation in how people consider that the fulfill the objectives? If there are differences do you think this is because people came in with different backgrounds? Is it because people perceive their own fulfillment differently (ie person A and B actually have exacty the same knowledge, skills, etc but perceive it differently)?

Note: Name your assignment as seminar4-RoR-firstname-lastname.pdf

Note: Write what YOU think and not what you think I want you to write

Patric Jensfelt created page 1 May 2014

Teacher Patric Jensfelt changed the permissions 1 May 2014

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