Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


There is a mandatory small project in the course with submission deadline Friday, 2013 January 4. The project has to be performed individually and is graded pass/fail based on the submitted report. Projects with exceptional quality receive 5 extra points that is added to the points achieved at the exam. These extra points are valid only at the first exam, and are not considered at make-up exams.

We offer two projects this year. You have to solve one of them. You can find the project descriptions below.

I. Analytic Study of Error Control in Relay Networks

Project description (pdf)

II. Simulating a Spotify Server

Project description (pdf)




Lärare Viktoria Fodor skapade sidan 16 oktober 2012

Viktoria Fodor redigerade 26 november 2012

There is a mandatory small project in the course with submission deadline 2013 January 4. The project has to be performed individually and is graded pass/fail based on the submitted report. Projects with exceptional quality receive 5 extra points that is added to the points achieved at the exam. These extra points are valid only at the first exam, and are not considered at make-up exams.

TWe offer two projects this year. You can find the project description and submission instructions will be published in the first weeks of the courses below.¶

I. Analytic studi of error control in multihop wireless networks.¶

Coming soon.¶

II. Simulating a Spotify Server¶

Project description (pdf)¶

In additon, you will need two data files for this project. They will be added soon