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Previous Exams

Here you can find several previous exams with solutions. Also, here you will find the solutions of your exam and make-up exam.

If you have received Fx contact the teacher (vfodor@kth.se) as soon as possible. You have the opportunity to complemet to E, but you have to do it within 6 weeks after the Fx has been reported (until ca. end of February for the main exam and end of September for the make-up exam).

The make-up exam is in June, see KTH Schema for date, time, location. Note, that you have to register for the make-up exam.

If you need to complain about the grading, you can submit complaints through STEX. Please ask them about the exact process.

Make-Up Exam 2012-12-14

Grading (with the number of students with a given grade)

A: 45-50  (1)
B: 39-44 (1)
C: 33-38 (1)
D: 27-32 (0)
E: 21-26 (5)
Fx: 18-20 (2)
F: 0-17 (5)

Exam 2012-12-14

Grading (with the number of students with a given grade)

A: 45-50  (1)
B: 39-44 (6)
C: 33-38 (4)
D: 27-32 (10)
E: 21-26 (13)
Fx: 18-20 (2)
F: 0-17 (9)

Make-up exam 2012-06-11

Grading (with the number of students with a given grade)

A: 45-50  (0)
B: 39-44.5 (1)
C: 32-38.5 (4)
D: 26-31.5 (1)
E: 21-25.5 (2)
Fx: 19-20.5 (0)
F: 0-18.5 (3)

Exam from 2011-12-15

A: 45-50  (0)
B: 39-44.5 (4)
C: 32-38.5 (4)
D: 26-31.5 (5)
E: 21-25.5 (5)
Fx: 19-20.5 (4)
F: 0-18.5 (8, out of these 4 not higher than 10)

Make-up exam from 2011-06-10

Exam from 2010-12-18

Exam from 2004-12-16

Exam from 2009-12-17

Viktoria Fodor skapade sidan 15 oktober 2012

Lärare Viktoria Fodor ändrade rättigheterna 16 oktober 2012

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
Viktoria Fodor redigerade 11 januari 2013

Here you can find several previous exams with solutions. Also, here you will find the solutions of your exam and make-up exam.

If you have received Fx contact the teacher (vfodor@kth.se) as soon as possible. You have the opportunity to complemet to E, but you have to do it within 6 weeks after the Fx has been reported (until ca. end of February for the main exam and end of September for the make-up exam).

The make-up exam is in June, see KTH Schema for date, time, location. Note, that you have to register for the make-up exam.

If you need to complain about the grading, you can submit complaints through STEX. Please ask them about the exact process.

Exam 2012-12-14 Grading (with the number of students with a given grade)¶

A: 45-50  (1) B: 39-44 (6) C: 33-38 (4) D: 27-32 (10) E: 21-26 (13) Fx: 18-20 (2) F: 0-17 (9)¶

Solutions will be published next week.¶

Make-up exam 2012-06-11 Grading (with the number of students with a given grade)

A: 45-50  (0) B: 39-44.5 (1) C: 32-38.5 (4) D: 26-31.5 (1) E: 21-25.5 (2) Fx: 19-20.5 (0) F: 0-18.5 (3)

* Exam (pdf)
* Solution (pdf)
Exam from 2011-12-15 A: 45-50  (0) B: 39-44.5 (4) C: 32-38.5 (4) D: 26-31.5 (5) E: 21-25.5 (5) Fx: 19-20.5 (4) F: 0-18.5 (8, out of these 4 not higher than 10)

* Exam (pdf)
* Solutions (pdf)
Make-up exam from 2011-06-10
* Exam (pdf)
* Solutions (pdf)
Exam from 2010-12-18
* Exam (pdf)
* Solutions (pdf)
Exam from 2004-12-16
* Exam (pdf)
* Solutions (pdf)
Exam from 2009-12-17
* Exam (pdf)
* Solution (pdf)

Viktoria Fodor redigerade 15 januari 2013

Here you can find several previous exams with solutions. Also, here you will find the solutions of your exam and make-up exam.

If you have received Fx contact the teacher (vfodor@kth.se) as soon as possible. You have the opportunity to complemet to E, but you have to do it within 6 weeks after the Fx has been reported (until ca. end of February for the main exam and end of September for the make-up exam).

The make-up exam is in June, see KTH Schema for date, time, location. Note, that you have to register for the make-up exam.

If you need to complain about the grading, you can submit complaints through STEX. Please ask them about the exact process.

Exam 2012-12-14 Grading (with the number of students with a given grade)

A: 45-50  (1) B: 39-44 (6) C: 33-38 (4) D: 27-32 (10) E: 21-26 (13) Fx: 18-20 (2) F: 0-17 (9)

Solutions will be published next week.¶
* Exam
* Solution
Make-up exam 2012-06-11 Grading (with the number of students with a given grade)

A: 45-50  (0) B: 39-44.5 (1) C: 32-38.5 (4) D: 26-31.5 (1) E: 21-25.5 (2) Fx: 19-20.5 (0) F: 0-18.5 (3)

* Exam (pdf)
* Solution (pdf)
Exam from 2011-12-15 A: 45-50  (0) B: 39-44.5 (4) C: 32-38.5 (4) D: 26-31.5 (5) E: 21-25.5 (5) Fx: 19-20.5 (4) F: 0-18.5 (8, out of these 4 not higher than 10)

* Exam (pdf)
* Solutions (pdf)
Make-up exam from 2011-06-10
* Exam (pdf)
* Solutions (pdf)
Exam from 2010-12-18
* Exam (pdf)
* Solutions (pdf)
Exam from 2004-12-16
* Exam (pdf)
* Solutions (pdf)
Exam from 2009-12-17
* Exam (pdf)
* Solution (pdf)