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Version skapad av Fredrik Lundevall 2017-03-15 16:27

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Statement regarding publishing

Publiceringsinformation (svensk) - Publishing statement (English)

What - a signed statement detailing what personal information about you may or may not be published by KTH.

How - must be filled in by each student, on paper, using indelible ink, and handed in no later than 13 April, 2017.

Why - to comply with Swedish law (Personuppgiftslag, SFS 1998:204).

User story form

User story form (English only)

What - a form for user stories, to fill in and use during sprint planning, daily scrum, retrospective, etc.

How - filled in before sprint planning and during sprint planning.

Why - so that the backlog is clear, visible to everyone, and easy to move around during meetings.

Slides from introductory lecture (2017-03-20)

Will appear here around 20 March, 2017. Until then, there are Slides from 2016 (PDF).