Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


This is only for ID1206 not for ID1200!!

This year we will have a set of seminars that will explore different aspects of an operating system. You will need to do  coding in C, implement different experiments, run some benchmarks and be able to present your solution and findings. Work in groups of two but the written reports should be done individually.

First assignment: The boot process

Before this seminar you should have completed the necessary steps for booting a small program directly using the BIOS and using GRUB. Follow the tutorial below and attend the seminar with a system up and running on your laptop. Be prepared to modify the system during the seminar. No written report is needed.

Second and Third task: write a report

Your solutions to the second and third assignments you should complete a four page report (no not three and a paragraph) and you should do so using Latex. The report should be a regular article format. Don't extend your text to fill out the page, use the default settings.

If you're running Linux you could install TeX Live and generate a report by using pdflatex. For Windows user there is TeXLive and Miktex and Mac users can use MacTeX. There are also cloud base solutions such as Overlef.

Learn how to work with Latex now, before you start on your thesis.

Memory management

In this seminar you should have your own implementation of malloc up and running. The algorithm that you will use will be similar to the one used in ptmalloc. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Write a four page report using regular LaTeX article style. Do not include more code than necessary to explain how you solved the more problematic parts. Bring a paper copy to the seminar.


Let's see if we can implement a green threads library.  We will start with something simple and then extend it to handle more complex situations. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Write a four page report using regular LaTeX article style. Do not include more code than necessary to explain how you solved the more problematic parts. Bring a paper copy to the seminar. 

Teacher Johan Montelius created page 14 May 2018

Johan Montelius edited 20 September 2018

This is only for ID1206 not for ID1200!!

This year we will have a set of seminars that will explore different aspects of an operating system. You will need to do some coding in C, implement different experiments, run some benchmarks and be able to present your solution and findings. Work in groups of two but you should be prepared to explain the whole solution to the problems.

The boot process Before this seminar you should have completed the necessary steps for booting a small program directly using the BIOS and using GRUB. Follow the tutorial below and attend the seminar with a system up and running on your laptop. Be prepared to modify the system during the seminar.

* Boot a kernel
Memory management In this seminar you should have your own implementation of malloc up and running.¶sing the buddy algorithm up and running. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Template for the report will be given.¶

* Buddy
Concurrency Let's explore what we can do with a multi-threaded implementation.

Johan Montelius edited 1 November 2018

This is only for ID1206 not for ID1200!!

This year we will have a set of seminars that will explore different aspects of an operating system. You will need to do some coding in C, implement different experiments, run some benchmarks and be able to present your solution and findings. Work in groups of two but you should be prepared to explain the whole solution to the problems. The written reports should be done individually.

First assignment: The boot process Before this seminar you should have completed the necessary steps for booting a small program directly using the BIOS and using GRUB. Follow the tutorial below and attend the seminar with a system up and running on your laptop. Be prepared to modify the system during the seminar. No written report is needed.

* Boot a kernel
Second and Third task: write a report Your solutions to the second and third assignments you should complete a four page report (no not three and a paragraph) and you should do so using the following template in Latex.¶

* LaTex-template
If you're running Linux you could install TeX Live and generate a report by using pdflatex. For Windows user there is TeXLive and Miktex and Mac users can use MacTeX. There are also cloud base solutions such as Overlef.¶

* TexLive
* MacTex
* Miktex
* Overleaf
Learn how to work with Latex now, before you start on your thesis. ¶

Memory management In this seminar you should have your own implementation of malloc using the buddy algorithm up and running. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Write a four page report using regular LaTeX article style. Do not include more code than necessary to explain how you solved the more problematic parts. Bring a paper copy to the seminar.

* Buddy
Concurrency Let's see if we can implement a green threads library.  We will start with something simple and then extend it to handle more complex situations. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Write a four page report using regular LaTeX article style. Do not include more code than necessary to explain how you solved the more problematic parts. Bring a paper copy to the seminar. 

* Green (DRAFT)

Johan Montelius edited 7 November 2019

This is only for ID1206 not for ID1200!!

This year we will have a set of seminars that will explore different aspects of an operating system. You will need to do some coding in C, implement different experiments, run some benchmarks and be able to present your solution and findings. Work in groups of two but you should be prepared to explain the whole solution to the problems. The written reports should be done individually.

First assignment: The boot process Before this seminar you should have completed the necessary steps for booting a small program directly using the BIOS and using GRUB. Follow the tutorial below and attend the seminar with a system up and running on your laptop. Be prepared to modify the system during the seminar. No written report is needed.

* Boot a kernel
Second and Third task: write a report Your solutions to the second and third assignments you should complete a four page report (no not three and a paragraph) and you should do so using Latex. The report should be a regular article format. Don't extend your text to fill out the page, use the default settings.

If you're running Linux you could install TeX Live and generate a report by using pdflatex. For Windows user there is TeXLive and Miktex and Mac users can use MacTeX. There are also cloud base solutions such as Overlef.

* TexLive
* MacTex
* Miktex
* Overleaf
Learn how to work with Latex now, before you start on your thesis.

Memory management In this seminar you should have your own implementation of malloc up and running. The algorithm that you will use will be similar to the one used in ptmalloc. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Write a four page report using regular LaTeX article style. Do not include more code than necessary to explain how you solved the more problematic parts. Bring a paper copy to the seminar.

* Will be available soonNext, previous, before and after
Concurrency Let's see if we can implement a green threads library.  We will start with something simple and then extend it to handle more complex situations. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Write a four page report using regular LaTeX article style. Do not include more code than necessary to explain how you solved the more problematic parts. Bring a paper copy to the seminar. 

* Green

Johan Montelius edited 8 November 2019

This is only for ID1206 not for ID1200!!

This year we will have a set of seminars that will explore different aspects of an operating system. You will need to do some coding in C, implement different experiments, run some benchmarks and be able to present your solution and findings. Work in groups of two but you should be prepared to explain the whole solution to the problems. The written reports should be done individually.

First assignment: The boot process Before this seminar you should have completed the necessary steps for booting a small program directly using the BIOS and using GRUB. Follow the tutorial below and attend the seminar with a system up and running on your laptop. Be prepared to modify the system during the seminar. No written report is needed.

* Boot a kernel
Second and Third task: write a report Your solutions to the second and third assignments you should complete a four page report (no not three and a paragraph) and you should do so using Latex. The report should be a regular article format. Don't extend your text to fill out the page, use the default settings.

If you're running Linux you could install TeX Live and generate a report by using pdflatex. For Windows user there is TeXLive and Miktex and Mac users can use MacTeX. There are also cloud base solutions such as Overlef.

* TexLive
* MacTex
* Miktex
* Overleaf
Learn how to work with Latex now, before you start on your thesis.

Memory management In this seminar you should have your own implementation of malloc up and running. The algorithm that you will use will be similar to the one used in ptmalloc. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Write a four page report using regular LaTeX article style. Do not include more code than necessary to explain how you solved the more problematic parts. Bring a paper copy to the seminar.

* Next, previous, before and after
Concurrency Let's see if we can implement a green threads library.  We will start with something simple and then extend it to handle more complex situations. You should do some benchmarks and describe the implementation in a short report. Write a four page report using regular LaTeX article style. Do not include more code than necessary to explain how you solved the more problematic parts. Bring a paper copy to the seminar. 

* Green