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Artificial Intelligence and Applied Methods

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Welcome to the AI course!

Course home page: http://www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/ID1214?l=en

(Description in Swedish see Artificiell intelligens och tillämpningar)

The course gives an overview of Artifical Intelligence and Applied Methods.

The focus is on several different areas of Artifical Intelligence with AI-problems, and Methods and includes areas such as: Intelligent /Knowledge-based systems, Agent / multi-agent systems, Natural language processing and strategies.

Main content:

- Fundamental AI-problems and solutions

- Search-algorithms, Scheduling and Planning

- Expert systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Intelligent systems, Knowledge representation

- Reasoning Strategies, Decision-support and Heuristics

- Multi-agent systems, Intelligent agents and Meta-agents

- Machine learning and Neural Networks

- Natural Language Procssing, parsing and  genereration

- Cognitive computation

You can find information about the course schedule as well on the course web. More information about the course web.
