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This overview shows the pages for your course web. You can also see page permissions (who can read the page) and when the page was last modified. Overview, News feed, and Schedule are automatically created and not shown here.

If you cannot find a page here it may belong to non-selected course rounds/ groups .


These pages are directed to the whole course and positioned after the Schedule in the menu. Only teachers can edit the pages.

Page Can read Last changed
Information /outline for the Artificial Intelligence CourseStudents2020-09-21
Artificiell intelligens och tillämpningar (Swe)Everyone2016-06-20
Kursdata & kursanalysAdministrators2016-09-12
What is Artificial Intelligence? Seminar and Task 1Students2024-10-24
AI techniques, Search strategies, Scheduling and PlanningStudents2024-10-24
Lab 1 Bots, Build a chatbot / avatarStudents2024-10-24
Kurs-PM (historik)Administrators2016-09-12
Decision-support, Reasoning Strategies, and Heuristics, Seminar and Task 2Students2024-10-24
Lab 2, Build a plannerStudents2024-10-24
Knowledge-based systems /Expert systems, Knowledge Representations, Seminar and Task 3Students2024-10-24
Lab 3, Build a Knowledge based system / Expert systemStudents2024-10-24
Multi-agent systems, and Agents, Seminar and Task 4Students2024-10-24
Lab 4, Agents, Build an agent systemsStudents2024-10-24
Machine Learning, Seminar and Task 5Students2024-10-24
Lab 5, Build a learning toolStudents2024-10-24
Neural networks, Seminar and Task 6Students2024-10-24
Lab 6, Build and train a neural networkStudents2024-10-24
Natural Language Processing, parsing and generation, Seminar and Task 7Students2024-10-24
Lab 7, Natural Language ProcessingStudents2024-10-24
Main Project, Seminar and Task 8Students2024-10-24
Main Project, Information about / Content of Main taskStudents2024-10-24
Miscellaneous AI-topics: Cognitive computation, Predictive programming etc, Lecture 9Students2024-10-24
LAB 9 - Try the AIC-system - a system with sensesEveryone2024-10-24
Course Literature & Lecture materialStudents2024-10-24

Pages for my chosen course rounds/ groups within the course

These pages are directed to course rounds/ groups within the course. Only teachers can edit the pages.

There are no pages

Course wiki

Wiki pages are directed to the whole course and placed under the wiki. All students and teachers can edit the pages.

Page Can read Last changed
Artificial Intelligence and Applied MethodsLogged in users2020-09-21