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Version skapad av Leif Lindbäck 2017-11-08 14:12

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Text Book and Lecture Notes

Text Book

This book is not compulsory reading, but can provide good help in the languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP) included in the course. The book content is probably available in online guides and tutorials, but to find everything obviously requires some effort.

Nixon, Robin: Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5, 4th ed. (O'Reilly 2014)
ISBN: 978-1491918661

Lecture Notes

Lecture 1, Introduction

Lecture 2, HTML


Here are the example programs from the lecture, id1354-html-lec.zip id1354-html-lec-questions.zip

Lecture 3, CSS


Here are the example programs from the lecture,id1354-css-lec.zip id1354-css-lec-questions.zip

Lecture 4, The PHP Language


Here are the example programs from the lecture, id1354-php-lang.zip id1354-php-lang-questions.zip

Lecture 5, PHP in a Web Server


Here are the example programs from the lecture, id1354-php-webapp-lec.zip id1354-php-webapp-lec-questions.zip

Lecture 6, XML


Lecture 7, MVC And Frameworks in a PHP Web Application


  • This video shows how the chat program with unstructured PHP code is refactored to have a layered architecture and follow the MVC pattern, unstructured-to-mvc.webm. The video also shows some bugs that appeared during the refcatoring, and how they were fixed.
  • This zip file contains the refactored chat application, that is, the result of the changes done in the above video, chat-nojs-unstruct-php-change-me.zip.

Lecture 8, Database Access With PHP

Example program, id1354-php-db-version2.zip

Lecture 9, Security And Performance in a PHP  Web Application


Lecture 10

Finish the topics from lectures 7-9.

Lecture 11, The JavaScript Language


Here are the example programs from the lecture, id1354-js-language.zip id1354-js-language-questions.zip

Lecture 12, JavaScript in a Web Browser


Here are the example programs from the lecture, id1354-js-useage-lec.zip id1354-js-usage-lec-questions.zip

Lecture 13

Finish the topic from lectures 11-12.

Lecture 14, JavaScript in a Web Server, node.js

Guest lecture