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This course is delivered 100% via Canvas. To gain access, you must be fully registered to the course. As most of you know, this is basically a three-stage process, where you first apply (anmäla), are then accepted (antagen) and then register (registrera). The Language Unit staff can (if necessary) help you with the last stage, registration, once you have completed the first two steps either on your own or with the help of your assigned study counselor. Once your registration is complete, you will receive to your KTH email an automatically generated invitation to join the course in Canvas. We cannot add you to the course manually.
There is no limit to the number of students we accept to the course, but you do need to start the course at the beginning, since we have regular deadlines you need to meet.
As you know there are no scheduled meetings of the course. You will have a tutor who will follow your progress through the assignments and quizzes, and who will be available to meet you for short consultations.
The course material you will be using is a comprehensive, professionally done product that is a result of a collaboration of English teachers at many universities worldwide, including KTH.It is organized first into six different themes, and then into how those themes relate to listening to, speaking, and writing English for your academic studies. Because of the focus on studies, there is a fair amount of material that appears to be as much about study skills as it is about language. This might appear a bit strange for those of you who already in the midst of a program and feel that you have everything under control in terms of how you handle your work. Still, I can say that I think that most students will benefit from reflecting over some of the issues raised in the course. You can also bear in mind that the archetypal student the course authors were thinking of was someone coming to Britain from say China to study a Master’s program in English. Your situation is of course not completely the same. Nonetheless, most of the skills you need to do a Master’s program in English at KTH are the same as you would need in Britain.
You will find all other information you need about the course within the course itself in Canvas.