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Jamie Rinder

Profile picture of Jamie Rinder

Lecturer in English




Researcher ID

About me

I teach in the English section of KTH Language and Communication. The English courses that my colleagues and I teach are practical and tailoured to the needs of students and professionals in STEM.

Language and communication fascinate me, and over the years I have studied English, Esperanto, French, German, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. I am also interested in the ways that English functions as a lingua franca in academic, professional, and social contexts.

I am committed to demystifying academic communication and to making learning worthwhile and accessible to everyone who strives for it. With this aim, I developed KTH's Pre-sessional English course for newly arrived master's students, and I am a tutor at KTH library's Centre for Academic Writing and Rhetoric (CAW). I have also co-created the KTH Guide to scientific writing and co-founded the Global Engineers Languages and Skills (GELS) network. Please find below links to these activities:

KTH Presessional English course

KTH Centre of Academic Writing and Rhetoric

KTH Guide to scientific writing

Global Engineers Languages and Skills (GELS) network

A catalogue of teaching and learning activities for engineering communication (GELS network)


Advancing in English for academic and professional purposes (LS2443), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, First Cycle (DA150X), assistant | Course web

English for Academic Studies (online) (LS1415), examiner | Course web

English for Employment (LS1419), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

English for Employment (LS2442), examiner | Course web

English for Writing and Presenting a Degree Project in Science and Engineering (LS2439), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Essential STEM communication (LS1452), examiner | Course web

Introduction to English for academic studies (LS1416), examiner | Course web

Projects and Project Methods (II1302), teacher | Course web

Rhetoric - Speaking and Writing for Impact (LS1465), examiner, course responsible | Course web

STEM communication with impact (LS2441), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Supervision and Assessment of Degree Project Work in First and Second Cycle (LH219V), teacher | Course web

Supervision and Assessment of Degree Project Work in First and Second Cycle (LH219U), teacher | Course web

Technical Communication in English (LS2429), examiner | Course web

Technical Communication in English (LS2444), examiner | Course web

Writing Scientific Articles (FDS3102), teacher, assistant | Course web

Writing and presenting academic work in STEM (LS2440), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Jamie Rinder


Publication list