You can see your course schedules in other calendar programs, for example Goole calendar, Outlook or webmail. Then you can more easily access the schedule in your phone.
Many calendar applications can automatically fetch updates via this link. If and how often the fetches occur can vary between different applications.
Notices for schedule changes will be sent out 3 days before the course starts.
All of My schedule
You can export the whole My schedule. The export contains events for group-, programme and course web where you have chosen "Yes" for in My schedule in My settings subscriptions.
Course with my choices
You can export schedule for Individual Project Work on Sound and Vibrationer (SD2103) with content specific for My settings. The export contains all calendar events that are visible for the whole world and your current rounds/groups.
To access your unique iCalendar-link here you first need o set \"Show schedule- and calendar events in My schedule\" to \"Yes\" in My settings.