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Philipp Schlatter created page 8 January 2012

Philipp Schlatter edited 8 January 2012

Course Responsible

Philipp Schlatter (pschlatt@mech.kth.se) 790 7176, office hours: Fri 14-15Ardeshir Hanifi (hanifi@kth.se) 790 8482, 5550 3197, office hours: Mon 14-15

Course Assistants

Mohammad Hosseini (hosse@mech.kth.se) 790 8034, office hours: Thu 14-17Azad Noorani (azad@mech.kth.se) 790 8034, office hours: Wed 14-17


Relevant books:

* Numerical Computation of Internal & External Flows, Charles Hirsch, Butterworth-Heinemann, Second Edition, ISBN: 978-0-7506-6594-0.
* Computational Fluid Dynamics, John D. Anderson, Jr., McGraw-Hill, 1995
Lecture notes on Computational Fluid Dynamics (D. Henningson) pdfLecture notes on Basic Numerics (K. Gustavsson) pdfIntroduction to Matlab pdfNotes on FD schemes pdf


Exam total of 50p,Homework (5 of 6compulsory) 6x2 + project (compulsory) 5 = max 15p.Total points >28 (E), >30 (D), >40 (C), >50 (B), >55 (A).




Philipp Schlatter edited 8 January 2012

Course Responsible

Philipp Schlatter (pschlatt@mech.kth.se) 790 7176, office hours: Fri 14-15Ardeshir Hanifi (hanifi@kth.se) 790 8482, 5550 3197, office hours: Mon 14-15

Course Assistants

Mohammad Hosseini (hosse@mech.kth.se) 790 8034, office hours: Thu 14-17Azad Noorani (azad@mech.kth.se) 790 8034, office hours: Wed 14-17


Relevant books:

* Numerical Computation of Internal & External Flows, Charles Hirsch, Butterworth-Heinemann, Second Edition, ISBN: 978-0-7506-6594-0.
* Computational Fluid Dynamics, John D. Anderson, Jr., McGraw-Hill, 1995
Lecture notes on Computational Fluid Dynamics (D. Henningson) pdfLecture notes on Basic Numerics (K. Gustavsson) pdfIntroduction to Matlab pdfNotes on FD schemes pdf


Exam total of 50p,Homework (5 of 6compulsory) 6x2 + project (compulsory) 5 = max 15p.Total points >28 (E), >30 (D), >40 (C), >50 (B), >55 (A).


 Course plan to print: pdf


Philipp Schlatter changed the permissions 11 February 2012

Kunde läsas av alla inloggade användare. Kunde ändras av lärare.
commented 14 February 2012

Is there a minimum number of points that one has to achieve in the exam, or is it allowed to score 14 points on the exam if one gets the maximum 15 points from the HW assignments and still pass?

Since PhD students have another project, what will be the number of ECTS coming from this course in case of PhD credits?

Teacher commented 15 February 2012

Hi Roman,

The points from the HW and from the exam are summed together, and this will give you the grade. The additional requirement is that you hand in 5 (out of 6) homeworks plus you hand in the project. There is no minimum number of points required in the exam to pass.

 For PhD students it will be also 7.5 points; the only difference is the course number (either SG2212 or SG3114).


Philipp Schlatter edited 13 March 2012

Course Responsible

Philipp Schlatter (pschlatt@mech.kth.se) 790 7176, office hours: Fri 14-15Ardeshir Hanifi (hanifi@kth.se) 790 8482, 5550 3197, office hours: Mon 14-15

Course Assistants

Mohammad Hosseini (hosse@mech.kth.se) 790 8034, office hours: Thu 14-17Azad Noorani (azad@mech.kth.se) 790 8034, office hours: Wed 14-17


Relevant books:

* Numerical Computation of Internal & External Flows, Charles Hirsch, Butterworth-Heinemann, Second Edition, ISBN: 978-0-7506-6594-0.
* Computational Fluid Dynamics, John D. Anderson, Jr., McGraw-Hill, 1995
Lecture notes on Computational Fluid Dynamics (D. Henningson) pdfLecture notes on Basic Numerics (K. Gustavsson) pdfIntroduction to Matlab pdfNotes on FD schemes pdf


Exam total of 50p, (closed book exam, i.e. no calculators, books, etc. allowed)Homework (5 of 6compulsory) 6x2 + project (compulsory) 5 = max 15p.Total points >28 (E), >30 (D), >40 (C), >50 (B), >55 (A).


 Course plan to print: pdf


Teacher commented 13 March 2012

Please note that no calculators, books etc. can be used during the exam (closed book exam).


commented 3 March 2013

Can you give further information on how we should prepare for the exam? What is the main focus?

Will the exam be similiar to the study questions?

Since there is no material allowed to be used for the exam, do we have to be able to derive most of the equations by heart?

Teacher commented 3 March 2013


the questions will be similar to the study questions. The focus is not on learning by heart many equations, but rather on the various concepts (how to do stability, how and where to set boundary conditions, what errors arise, what is the problem of the pressure/projection...). In that sense, we will use simple equations (like the advection equation) and ask about the principles. But the study questions are a good guidance.

Hope this helps,


commented 28 January 2014


I couldn't find any information about the project work that is mandatory for the course. 

Please let me know where can I find the info on that. 


Teacher commented 28 January 2014


The project will be the topic of the course during the last few weeks (see course plan). We have not yet put online the course description yet, but you can consider it similar to a larger homework problem. We will put it online as soon as we have discussed in the course the necessary theory. Is there something specific you would like to know?


commented 29 January 2014

Okay ! 

There is nothing specific that I want to know. 



commented 21 March 2015

Hej, Do the points awarded for the assignments and project apply for the re-examination as well?

Teacher commented 21 March 2015

yes, they are valid for the two examinations.


commented 7 March 2017


Can you give us any past exams or any details on the structure of the exam. For example will there be a section for short answers and one for long answers? Are all questions compulsory or can we choose between some?



Teacher commented 7 March 2017

Hi, the exam will be similar to the study questions that are online. All questions together get 50 points, and in that sense mandatory. The questions will be a mix between shorter ones (giving 2-4 points) and longer ones (giving up to 9 points).
