50 senaste publikationerna
B. Ladd, T. Gräslund och V. Chotteau,
"Harnessing cell aggregates for enhanced adeno‐associated virus manufacturing : Cultivation strategies and scale‐up considerations,"
Biotechnology progress (Print), 2025.
R. R.G. Soares et al.,
"Hyperplex PCR enables highly multiplexed analysis of point mutations in wastewater : Long-term SARS-CoV-2 variant surveillance in Sweden as a case study,"
Water Research, vol. 274, 2025.
N. Kotov, M. M. Keskitalo och C. M. Johnson,
"Nano FTIR spectroscopy of liquid water in the –OH stretching region,"
Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol. 330, 2025.
J. Daga-Quisbert et al.,
"Assessing water quality of a hypereutrophic alkaline urban lake and its coagulation-treated water using metagenomic analysis,"
Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 235, no. 6, 2024.
L. Otterheim,
"Bioleaching Approach for Recovery of Phosphorus and Metals from Marine Sediments,"
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M. Perez-Zabaleta, C. Williams och Z. Cetecioglu,
"Development and implementation of assays to monitor human adenovirus F40/41 in wastewater : Trends preceding, during, and following the non-A-to-E hepatitis outbreak in Stockholm,"
Environment International, vol. 190, 2024.
G. J. L. Wilson et al.,
"Discovery of sulfonamide resistance genes in deep groundwater below Patna, India,"
Environmental Pollution, vol. 356, 2024.
G. Sjöberg et al.,
"Evaluation of enzyme-constrained genome-scale model through metabolic engineering of anaerobic co-production of 2,3-butanediol and glycerol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae,"
Metabolic engineering, vol. 82, s. 49-59, 2024.
N. F. G. Haruna,
"Expansion of Natural Killer (NK-92) cells and Jurkat cells for Cell therapy,"
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M. Sanchez Ortiz,
"Heterologous expression, purification, and characterization of an Oomycete effector protein,"
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E. Kendir Cakmak et al.,
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Chemosphere, vol. 358, 2024.
A. Carranza Muñoz et al.,
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Water Research, vol. 266, 2024.
F. Zhu et al.,
"Implementation of enhanced biological phosphorus recovery for phosphorus mining from eutrophic marine sediments : The optimization of parameters and exploration of microbial responses,"
Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 502, 2024.
E. E. Ljungqvist et al.,
"Insights into the rapid metabolism of Geobacillus sp. LC300 : unraveling metabolic requirements and optimal growth conditions,"
Extremophiles, vol. 28, no. 1, 2024.
D. Brunnsåker et al.,
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Bioinformatics, vol. 40, no. 2, 2024.
D. Hallgren,
"Investigating the Role of SSU1 in Lactate Export in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,"
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L. M. Merz,
"Investigation of transaminase-based synthesis of furfurylamines,"
Doktorsavhandling : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-CBH-FOU, 2024:27, 2024.
Y. Wang et al.,
"Iterative learning robust optimization - with application to medium optimization of CHO cell cultivation in continuous monoclonal antibody production,"
Journal of Process Control, vol. 137, 2024.
M. Atasoy et al.,
"Methods for studying microbial acid stress responses: from molecules to populations,"
FEMS Microbiology Reviews, vol. 48, no. 5, 2024.
I. F. Pinto, V. Chotteau och A. Russom,
"Microfluidic Cartridge for Bead-Based Affinity Assays,"
Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2804, s. 127-138, 2024.
E. E. Ljungqvist,
"Modeling and analysis of the rapid aerobic metabolism of Geobacillus sp. LC300,"
Doktorsavhandling : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-CBH-FOU, 2024:32, 2024.
L. Dewasme, M. Mäkinen och V. Chotteau,
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Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 183, 2024.
F. Alvem et al.,
"Nutrient removal from municipal wastewater using moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR),"
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H. Panchapakesan,
"Optimizing Denitrification Performance for Energy-Efficient Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater,"
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F. Zhu et al.,
"Phosphorus mining from marine sediments adopting different carbon/nitrogen strategies driven by anaerobic reactors : The exploration of potential mechanism and microbial activities,"
Science of the Total Environment, vol. 914, 2024.
F. Sandström,
"Predicting thermostable transaminase variants with machine learning methods,"
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V. Nunez Ovtcharenko et al.,
"Removal of Nitrate and phosphate from wastewater using banana adsorbent,"
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N. A. Brechmann et al.,
"Side-by-Side Economic Process Model for the Comparison and Evaluation of Magnetic Bead-Based Processes and Legacy Process for the Manufacturing of Monoclonal Antibodies,"
Processes, vol. 12, no. 11, 2024.
V. Furlanetto et al.,
"Structural and Functional Characterization of a Gene Cluster Responsible for Deglycosylation of C-glucosyl Flavonoids and Xanthonoids by Deinococcus aerius,"
Journal of Molecular Biology, vol. 436, no. 9, 2024.
J. G. Koendjbiharie et al.,
"The 6-phosphofructokinase reaction in Acetivibrio thermocellus is both ATP- and pyrophosphate-dependent,"
Metabolic engineering, vol. 86, s. 41-54, 2024.
I. Owusu-Agyeman, M. Perez-Zabaleta och Z. Cetecioglu,
"The fate of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 and pepper mild mottle virus at various stages of wastewater treatment process,"
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, vol. 285, 2024.
B. N. Hogg et al.,
"The Impact of Metagenomics on Biocatalysis,"
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 63, no. 21, 2024.
F. Zhu et al.,
"Unveiling the impact of carbon sources on phosphorus release from sediment: Investigation of microbial interactions and metabolic pathways for anaerobic phosphorus recovery,"
Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 500, 2024.
W. L. Schroeder et al.,
"A detailed genome-scale metabolic model of Clostridium thermocellum investigates sources of pyrophosphate for driving glycolysis,"
Metabolic engineering, vol. 77, s. 306-322, 2023.