Let Music Show You the Way: Sonifying Movement to Augment Rehabilitation
We are very glad to invite you to the Sound and Music Interaction Seminar with Prithvi Ravi Kantan, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University, Copenhagen.
Tid: Ti 2022-05-03 kl 15.00
Plats: Henrik Eriksson Room (1440), Lindstedtsvägen 3, floor 4
Videolänk: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/62182993824
Språk: English
Medverkande: Prithvi Ravi Kantan, Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Interactive sonification has vast untapped potential in augmented feedback and sensory substitution applications. In this seminar, I will be going over my research on auditory guidance and motor feedback with an emphasis on musical sonification. After a brief overview of the psychoacoustic and cognitive mechanisms involved, I will showcase various real-time sonification approaches for balance, gait, and sit-to-stand training, insights into embodied mapping design and technical implementation along with audiovisual examples, and findings from my experimental studies on 1-D and 2-D auditory guidance. Several aspects of movement sonification design will be covered, as well as the relevant scientific challenges, design tradeoffs, and aesthetic considerations.
Prithvi Kantan is a PhD fellow at the Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology at Aalborg University, Copenhagen. He holds a bachelor degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from Mumbai University and an MSc. in Sound and Music Computing from Aalborg University, Copenhagen. His primary interests lie in the research and development of interactive music technology to provide real-time feedback during movement rehabilitation in various clinical settings, and he has also investigated auditory guidance design, sensorimotor synchronization in addition to supervising several bachelor and master projects on interactive audio applications at Aalborg University.
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