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Ismael Sierra: Homological stability of diffeomorphism groups using E_k algebras

Tid: Fr 2023-01-13 kl 10.00 - 11.00

Plats: Zoom

Videolänk: Meeting ID: 699 738 3470

Medverkande: Ismael Sierra (Cambridge)

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I will state some recent results about homological stability of diffeomorphism groups of manifolds and give an outline of their proof. In particular, I will talk about the connection to E_k algebras, and about certain complexes, called "splitting complexes", whose high-connectivities are essential to the proof. Finally I will sketch the proof of the high-connectivity of the splitting complexes, which is the most substantial part of the whole argument. 

Tillhör: Stockholms Matematikcentrum
Senast ändrad: 2023-01-09