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Dhyan Aranha: Some ideas about (Virtual) Localization

Tid: On 2023-01-11 kl 09.15 - 10.15

Plats: Zoom

Videolänk: Meeting ID: 652 5601 5501

Medverkande: Dhyan Aranha (Essen)

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I would like to speak on joint work with Adeel Khan, Alyosha Latyntsev, Hyeonjun Park and Charanya Ravi about using homotopical methods to study torus and cosection localization (in this talk I will focus on torus localization). One of the consequences of this is a general form of Graber and Pandharipande's virtual localization formula with no hypothesis about global resolutions or global embeddings. Along the way I will describe a general concentration theorem for torus actions on stacks and a homotopy invariance result for quasi-smooth cone stacks. 

Tillhör: Stockholms Matematikcentrum
Senast ändrad: 2023-01-18