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Isak Ohlson Ågnell: Local Model Structures on Presheaves

Tid: To 2021-06-03 kl 14.30 - 15.30

Plats: Meeting ID: 697 4204 2109

Respondent: Isak Ohlson Ågnell

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We give an exposé of the current understanding of local model structures on presheaves and suggest possible future results. We give an introduction to combinatorial model categories, left Bousfield localizations and the injective and projective model structures on categories of presheaves. After this, we present Jardine’s local model structure on simplicial presheaves and describe Dugger, Hollander and Isaksen’s way of obtaining said model structure using hyperdescent. This is followed by descriptions of other local model structures constructed by Ayoub, Drew and Meadows.

Zoom notes: Password required, contact arias@math.su.se