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Matilda Söderberg Jansson: En okänd geometrisk sats och dess tillämpningar

BSc thesis presentation

Tid: Ti 2020-06-02 kl 13.30 - 14.30

Plats: Zoom, meeting ID: 647 0784 5619

Medverkande: Matilda Söderberg Jansson

Handledare: Torbjörn Tambour

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In most of the books covering Euclidean geometry a few well known geometrical theorems are mentioned, but they forget a quite interesting one. In this paper we present Routh's theorem and it's application on famous theorems from Menelaus and Ceva, using only elementary Euclidean geometry methods. To do that we give an introduction on the foundation of Euclidean geometry, it's history and summarize the development of geometry after Euclid's lifetime.