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Pontus Klarson: Curves & Cash - Finding the Optimal Path Using Control Theory

Tid: Må 2021-05-31 kl 10.30 - 11.30

Plats: Meeting ID: 640 6342 1581

Respondent: Pontus Klarson

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Control theory can be used to solve a large variety of problems and has played a vital role in generating accurate solutions to complex problems. This thesis will explore the history and the mathematics behind control theory and to better conceptualize the utilization of control theory two practical problems are examined: the brachistochrone problem and Merton's portfolio problem. Furthermore, to display the benefits of using control theory, different methods of solving the brachistochrone problem are shown, which provides a more intuitive understanding of the strengths of control theory.

Zoom notes: Password required, contact arias@math.su.se