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Fredrik Hellman: Numerical homogenization of geometric network models

Tid: To 2022-02-03 kl 14.00 - 15.00

Plats: Zoom

Videolänk: Meeting ID: 628 8972 0565

Medverkande: Fredrik Hellman (Gothenburg University)

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Abstract: A sheet of paper can structural mechanically be modeled as an elasticity equation on a graph with edges for the fibers and vertices for the fiber contact points. To solve such a fine model, however, the vast number of degrees of freedom poses a computational challenge. In this talk, we apply a homogenization technique to the fine model and obtain an upscaled problem expressed on a coarser finite element mesh and that is easier to solve. The introduction and analysis of a Scott–Zhang type interpolation operator and the necessary assumptions on the network are the main theoretical contributions of this work.

This is a joint work with Axel Målqvist, Morgan Görtz and Gustav Kettil.