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Kiran Kedlaya: The tame Belyi theorem in positive characteristic

Tid: On 2021-09-22 kl 17.00 - 18.00

Plats: Zoom, meeting ID: 694 6016 6420 (password required)

Medverkande: Kiran Kedlaya (UC San Diego)

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Abstract: We study the positive-characteristic analogue of a celebrated theorem of Belyi, which we formulate in two forms. The “weak Belyi theorem” is that an algebraic curve over a field of characteristic 0 can be written as a three-point cover of the projective line if and only if it can be defined over some number field. The “strong Belyi theorem” adds that any curve over a given number field K admits a three-point cover defined over K.

In positive characteristic, Belyi's theorem does not carry over because there are many covers with very little ramification (like Artin–Schreier coverings). However, for p > 2, Saidi established the “weak tame Belyi theorem”: an algebraic curve over a field of characteristic p can be written as a tame three-point cover of the projective line if and only if it can be defined over some finite field. Using a probabilistic argument in the style of Poonen's Bertini theorem over finite fields, we upgrade this to the “strong tame Belyi theorem”: any curve over a given finite field admits a three-point cover defined over that field.

The case of characteristic 2 is subtler because it is not obvious that a curve in characteristic 2 admits even a single tame finite map to the projective line. This was recently established for curves over an algebraically closed field by Sugiyama–Yasuda using a mod-2 analogue of the Schwarzian derivative; based on this, Anbar–Tutdere established the weak tame Belyi theorem in characteristic 2. We modify the Sugiyama–Yasuda construction to work over a finite field; this allows to deduce the strong tame Belyi theorem in characteristic 2.

Joint work with Daniel Litt and Jakub Witaszek.

Note: The passcode was sent to the AG and NT mailing lists. If you're not on these lists and would like to attend, or are having trouble accessing the meeting, please email Wushi Goldring at wgoldring@math.su.se . To be added to the AG mailing list, please email Jonas Bergström at jonasb@math.su.se .